
Sunday, August 11, 2013

Long Time No See

Me doing one of my many hobbies, reading!
    I'm back and better then ever!
     Finally, after a while of absence I'm posting! I've never kept up with any of my old blogs very well so I'm striving to do better with this one!
     Let's start off with a general news update! Like this, on Pinterest I have 93 followers, I"m almost to one hundred! I think it would be awesome to have as many followers as my sister Sereina. Lucky her, a quarter of a million people are following her! Plus just the other day I found out my friend has 6 thousand followers. I'm happy to have almost reached one hundred. :)
     Another thing, I've been doing a bit of reading recently, mostly the Royal Diaries series. One of my favorite books in that series is Anastasia. I also love reading Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew, though I prefer the Hardy Boys. :)
     The other day I was working on one of my stories. Getting the whole plot down, which is very vague at the moment. It's my first try at fantasy and so far it's been a lot of fun coming up with characters who aren't human. That's the fun part about fantasy, it just like, free style!
Me on the way to the beach. We got root beer!
     It's just dawned on me (okay, I found a picture that reminded me) that we've gone to the beach a bit! As usual the ocean water is freezing but it was fun! The first time Daniel and I dug a big hole and there was a friendly seagull. Mostly we just hung out that day, relaxing and enjoying the sun. Most everyone got sun burned except me. I'm always very careful not to be in the sun too long. :) 
Me attempting to feed a friendly seagull. He actually ate from my hand!
     The second time we went with friends and dug two even larger hole and made a trench between them! It was a lot of work, we were pretending to be ship wrecked pirates. The funnest part was pretending to have accents. I can never keep a consistent accent so I start with an Australian accent, then it goes to Russian and then British! Some times a little Scottish will work its way in there too! (Just to be clear I mean accent's not languages. I only speak English and Rubbish.) Those times at the beach were really fun and was one of the rare times we actually got wet up to our necks! We discovered part of the beach had smooth sand! To some that may be normal but in Washington most beaches (at least that I've been to!) are really rocky. This was a nice change and another plus, less sea weed. I really do not like sea weed. It's just, weird. :) While in the water one of our friends, Michael, accidentally did a face plant in the water! And he found a Han Solo toy figure floating around! Yup, Summer is awesome!
     My brother and sister (Tiana and Daniel) are working on a new blog. It's going to be about the lives of our Lego George Lucas'es. I'd tell more but the blog should be up and running in a day or so. I can say though their lives are adventure filled and not exactly what you'd expect. :)
Me adding crumbled stone for better effect
               One thing I'm not looking forward to is this, some time last month I went to the dentist. They're great people but the whole thing of going to the dentist isn't very fun. Anyway, I got the news that I've got a cavity that needs drilling. And soon because it's moving into another tooth. I'm not really looking forward to that but on that day I get home made jello!
          Well that about sums up things of late, oh wait! One more thing, I'm a collector of Schleich and I love building stuff. Put that together and ta da, I'm building things for my Schleich. But, back to the point, A week ago (has it really been that long?) I started building one of my largest projects ever. The ruins of a light house for my pack of wild dogs to reside in. The entire top has slid off and part caught on fire! Of course I'm building it that way so it's very sturdy. I've completed the tower, which by the way is made of rock, and soon will be starting on the side house part. I could use a little break though, the process in which I build can get confusing some times. :)
Tiana and me wading out in the lake
A very wet couple of sisters
     How could I forget one of the highlights of this month?! I almost forgot, you see our family one evening went for a walk. Well, more like a very small hike. Any ways, the path was along Lake Washington and we kept seeing tiny "beaches" along the path. Finally a clearing could be spotted ahead. It looked like a great place to swim! The problem? We were in our clothes, but in the end that didn't stop us! I usually don't get wet in my clothes but after testing the water I couldn't resist. After going to the ocean and feeling the freezing water this felt so awesome! Tiana and I took the plunge and it was so fun! We dunked under water, rode a few waves. Which by the way, considering it's a lake it had a lot of big waves. Like bigger then at the ocean. :) I have to say it was awesome, we didn't want to leave but eventually we had to. But hey, now we keep going to Silver Lake to swim. Which is like a five minute drive from our house.
     All in all, life has been good. Real good. 8-)