
Sunday, July 27, 2014

I Was Tagged

So I was tagged on a friends blog to answer eleven questions about myself (squee!). So here goes!

1. What is your fandom and why do you love it so much?
Doctor Who. I love it because The Doctor is the most intriguing character, time travel is something I've always found very interesting, and about a million other reasons.

2. Your dream job is?
Working at a stable and caring for horses

3. If you are homeschooled, what is your pet peeve misconception about being homeschooled?
Uhhhh... I don't know

4. Between soft drinks, juice, and coffee which is your favorite?
Juice (I might have said soft drinks... if I drank them anymore!)

5. What is your favorite food?
Orange chicken, hands down. It's amazing.

6. What is your favorite animal?
I'm gonna have to put this in category. House Pet: Cat/Horse - Exotic: Bengal Tiger or Killer Whale - Mythical: Dragon

7. Is there a certain genre of music/movies you don't like?
For the most part I like a little of everything, but my least favorite is drama and old musicals

8. What would you name your future kids?
As of the moment I want to name them after my favorite fictional characters :P

9. What is your favorite Disney film?
Frozen and The Lion King

10. Where do you want to live?
A castle. Or a manor. Either works because both are beautiful.

11. Nutella or Frosting?
I've never had Nutella, so I'll go with frosting.

That was fun! Okay, now I'm supposed to come up with eleven questions to ask a bunch of other bloggers. Problem is I don't know that many. Actually I only know two outside my family... and one of them is the girl who challenged me to this. So I'll just skip that part I suppose... *awkward silence*

So in other news I just got back from the Tri-Cities. It was a really fun trip. I even got pictures! So I'll write about that tomorrow. For now I've got a few ideas for my stories swirling in my head, and I would like to write them down before they're gone. ;)

Monday, July 21, 2014

Life as of Late

Guess where I'm going the day after tomorrow? The Tri-Cities! As usual Historic Flight is attending a huge air show up there, and nobody else had volunteered to go (other wise my dad would have gone to Alaska!). Just my dad, my sister Tiana, and I are going. Apparently it's going to be really, really hot. But the hotel we're staying at has a pool and from what we know Tiana and I'll probably be staying inside an air conditioned building most of the time (at least I hope we will!). So I'm really excited for that. It's gonna be awesome cause we're riding up in the DC3. So after this trip I'll have ridden in the DC3 twice and Grumpy once. Oh yeah!

So I've been doing a lot of plotting for my novels as of the last few days. I've got a new story that I now call Heart of Fire. I've got it almost completely plotted out, along with my new (and totally awesome) idea for Believe. I find just sitting down and writing out what I already have in a creative way (but not actually writing the story) helps me come up with more ideas. So that's what I'm trying to do. It's actually pretty fun, and I've gotten some awesome ideas too!

It's been through all this plotting that I've been listening to a lot of Adrian von Ziegler and Brunuh Ville's music. I re-discovered one of Brunuh's older-ish songs. It's his version of The Song of the Dragonborn from the Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls games. At least I think they're games. I've never played/seen them so I wouldn't know. But I'm pretty sure it's a game. Back on topic though; it's a totally awesome song and I could probably listen to it over and over all day. I'm that kind of person, I could listen to the same song for hours sometimes.

Ah yes! So a theater near our house has started up it's one dollar movies for over the summer. They play movies that are already come out on DVD for just a dollar. Last week we saw the Lego Movie for the first time, and tomorrow those who want to are going to see Rise of the Guardians in theaters, also for the first time. I actually really like going to the movie theater, even though it can be expensive. The other night when I watched The Avengers I was thinking about how cool it would have been to see in on the big screen. Oh well, I'll definitely see Age of Ultron (Avengers 2) in theaters!

Monday, July 14, 2014

No End in Sight

To anyone living in Washington you know as well as I, there is no end in sight. All the weather forecasts say above eighty for the next week (it might have been two). This weather is really getting to me; my whole family really. So yesterday us girl went to the air conditioned movie theater and saw Maleficent. It was really, really good. But for now I wont post any spoilers! (spoilers, I think to myself, hearing River's voice in my head). After that we went and browsed a couple of stores. I didn't like most of them, so pretty much just sat and read Harry Potter while everyone else looked around.

So I've been learning Gaelic (Scottish Gaelic that is). It's been through looking at how "weird" another language is that I've started to realize how "weird" the English language is. I mean the word tear and tear and spelled the same but pronounced differently and have a completely different meaning. Then there's to, too, and two. All pronounced the same, but with different meanings. Like... I dunno, I always thought English was so simple. But obviously that's because it's the only language I know. So really learning another language is more interesting than I thought!

Today, because of the heat, my family is going to a lake near out house. Yes, it's going to be crowded. But the water is warmer than ocean water and really fun to swim in. It's really the only way I get to swim because we hardly visit the pool and ocean water is way too cold. I mean, it wasn't when I went on Wednesday. We went to the beach with friends, and I was neck deep in the cold, ocean water. But usually I'm the one who doesn't get wet, or only goes up to my knees (I can't just do my feet because that's where all the seaweed is and seaweed is evil).

I sure haven't been posting nearly as much lately. Hm. I should really post more. In any case, I'm posting now! :P But for now I think I'll be done. While I wait for Sereina and Mamma to get back from the doctor I'm gonna write. Or at least plot. Or in some way work on a story.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Heat Continues

You all know how in the past I've mentioned Arrow? Well yesterday I looked up the soundtrack on Spotify. Oh my. I love this soundtrack so much! I mean I love almost every soundtrack but this... Blake Neely did an extremely good job. I just... gah, I love this music. Every since song; but especially the main theme. That is by far the best! Just listening to the music is giving me Arrow feels... this show is brilliant (I also love their choice on instruments!).

The heat is still on here in Washington. What I would like is a day or two of pure rain. Hard, extremely wet, rain. The kind that you can leave the windows open to listen to and not be cold, and the kind that makes the earth become a deep, rich green. I really love rich colors, so I love it when we have good rain storms like that.

I have been making good progress on The Order of the Phoenix, but I've still got a ways to go. I read around seventy pages today.

Oh and speaking of books, I've been thinking a bit about my series I want to write, Believe. We have friends over last night, and we talked about our stories. I'm totally re-starting Believe because I came up with the premise for that story back when my writing was about as good as a Nancy Drew book (ug!). So I'm totally re-doing the characters, which needed to be more interesting, more broken. There were wayy to nice before. That's all gonna change. So far I've gotten rid of an old character, Sarah, and replaced her with a new, much more awesome one: Madeleine. Then I've throw out Patrick and replaced him with Brian. My main character has the same first name, Nora. But that's where it ends.

I've also been thinking about my story idea that I would really like to turn into a trilogy (we'll see how that goes). I currently call it The Shadow, for the sake of a name. But I realized that out of all my books it's got the most plot.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Kind of Perfect

Yesterday evening it was really hot. Well really it had been hot all day (over eighty degrees at one point), but in the evening we went out and layed in the grass in the backyard. Sereina brought the tablet, so we started watching the newest Nancy Drew game walkthrough by my favorite YouTube channel, Arglephrumph. The newest game is The Shattered Medallion. So far it looks really fun, and I really want to play it. But I will content myself with just watching the walkthrough.

I also started listening to Arglephrumph's fanfiction of Warnings at Waverly Academy (Weirdness at Waverly Academy). That's the twenty first Nancy Drew game. I gotta say, his fan fiction was pretty funny. Nancy was completely out of character, which made it pretty hilarious. I only listed to a little bit though.

So remember how I said when Duolingo gets Irish I'm going to learn Irish Gaelic? Scratch that, I'm leaning Scottish Gaelic. See, I found this sight called Mango Languages; you can learn languages through your library (if they support Mango). Luckily my library does, so voila! I started learning Gaelic a few days ago. I already know quite a few words and phrases, but hardly enough to hold a real conversation! Already I can say hello, how are you, good morning, good evening and afternoon, good night, bad, good, you, self, etc. There's a bit more, but I'm not going to make a complete list.

The other day Daniel and I did a huge, deep clean in our room. It's cleaner than it's ever been. It wasn't even this clean when we first moved down here (into the Dungeon I mean... er, downstairs). It's so nice to be able to walk around my room and not worry about stepping on Legos or other projects. Now we just need to keep it this way.

So I've started reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm just over page one hundred I believe. It's sooo good! Of course that's what I've thought about all the books. :) Actually, out of all the books I'd have to say my favorite so far is either The Prisoner of Azkaban or The Goblet of Fire. Gah, Harry Potter is amazing!

As I said earlier, it's been hot. Too hot. Way too hot. But luckily the heat shouldn't stay too long. I kind of like it when one week it's rainy and wet and cold and overcast, then the next week is sunny and warm, n'stuff. That way you get variety and you don't completely melt or completely freeze. That would be my perfect Summer weather. My perfect Winter weather would be snow. Relentless snow. How cool would that be?

Well, I'd best by on my way. We've got to prepare for tomorrow, it's going to be a long day with friends. So of course we have to make food and make sure we have everything. Then this evening we're going to see some friends we haven't seen for quite some time. So yippe! ;)