
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Again, Still Missing

Koko still hasn't turned up. I keep hoping that he's locked in a garage. But someone not going in their garage for three days? A bit unlikely.

I really hope someone just saw him in the cold and thought, I'll take this cute boy in and pamper him. But even the hope of that it getting a little thin.

Mostly I hope he didn't get curious about someone leaving their car open and is either locked in a car, or someone drove him far away and he's wandering around looking for home.

I want Koko back, I miss him so much. Life just isn't the same without him. No loud purring, or his deep meow.


  1. I really hope that he comes home soon!!

  2. Thanks, I do to. :)
    I didn't know that someone read my blog. That's kind of cool! :)
