
Sunday, January 12, 2014

Books, Piano, Stories, and Rain

I just went a little crazy on the library site and now I've got a lot of books on hold. Let's just say I have and am going to have a lot of reading to do. Actually I'm really excited because I haven't been reading as much as I used to. But I need to do more active things to, if it were Summer I'd roller blade. But it's Winter! Yet it's raining.

So far I've only made a little progress in learning my next piano song, Across the Stars by John Williams. I already know He's a Pirate (although the end keeps messing me up, I forget to practice it!) and Kate's Theme from Nancy Drew The Silent Spy. Those are all the songs I know and now I'm learning a new one. I know about forty seconds of it and there's a part that's really confusing. But I'm working it out.

For the NaNo revisions I've been thinking really hard. I have a basic idea of what's going to happen, and maybe I just need to write it like I'm doing NaNo again. But I'd like to plan it a little better. In any case I'm hoping to start writing frequently on it very soon. Haha, I was going to say by the start of next week, but that's tomorrow. I'll need a little more time to think it through, but I'm still hoping to work on it a bit. I just don't know exactly how to portray what's in my mind.

As I said, it's raining. I like the rain, being raised around it makes me enjoy it a lot. Sometimes during Summer I just want it to rain all day, because it had been really dry. Even better, thunder storms. They're so inspirational, especially when they're big ones. Now here in Washington we don't get ones that last more then a few minuets very often. But we had one that lasted, quite literally, all day. There was one boom that sounded as though a large building had collapsed, creepy and awesome.

For once I don't really have much more to say, so I guess I'll cut it off here (can you tell I couldn't think of a title?).

1 comment:

  1. I love storms, one night it was so hard to sleep 'cuz of the lightning flashes and thunder. So I just stayed up and watched the light pierce the sky. It was amazing.
