
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Explosions and Pockets

I cannot believe what happened this evening. It was. Scary. Not like, I watched a movie scary, but like something real life scary. My hands stopped shaking sometime ago, but I can still remember the orange-red glow coming from the oven at it sizzled loudly. Tonight is my night to cook, so I was in the kitchen preparing dinner, a new potato recipe, carrots, and mustard chicken. Well I'd just turned the oven on a few minuets ago and was chopping carrots while my mom and I chatted. From the oven we heard a sizzling, and it quickly grew louder. At first I was curious, but then I was scared. My mom rushed over and the noise grew louder until there was a loud popping noise. From the side of the oven I could see an orange-red glow. At that point I was starting to fear that it would blow up, and I'm not kidding, I seriously thought something really bad was going to happen. Running around the pantry, and out of the way were it to blow, the noise stopped. My mom opened the oven and a rush of smoke poured out, setting off the smoke alarms. The heat pipe on the bottom of the oven was bright yet, and sizzling. My mom called for my dad, when he asked what has up I told him to come quick. Like something's extremely wrong with the oven quick. It was only after the danger was over, and I stood behind the small commotion, that I realized that my mom would have been hurt had the oven blown.

So there you have it. At the time it was really frightening. After they started assessing the damage I threw a pillow at the smoke alarms, so the house was quite. In the sunlight I could see the smoke drifting lazily. We opened all the windows and turned on the ceiling fan in the living room. Our dinner is now being cooked on the grill, every last bit. The entire oven went out, and just as we thought we'd have to splurge and buy an oven, we figured we would be able to limp it through a bit more. The thought of buying a new oven has put our financial troubles back into perspective. But I know panic only leads to more panic. All I can do is pray.

...Well... I'm not sure what to make of that... I mean, it's like... weird. The way I wrote it, I had to keep myself from turning it into a story. I have a tenancy to do that in every situation. Even when I'm sobbing and really sad, or just so angry that I want to punch a wall, my thoughts drift to, ah! So this is a way I can convey emotions in my story. When I'm sad I don't care that I thought that, it sorta helps me to cheer up. When I'm angry it just sorta makes myself more angry, because I cannot be angry without cataloging it in my mind for story writing research. That's life to me, I see people, things, sounds, smells, and I can't help but remember them and place them in a story. For instance, we went to the mall today and I kept smelling all the too sweet or downright nasty smells from different mall stores. I couldn't help but think of True Hero, a flashback.

So today we went to the mall. I wasn't expecting to spend money, heck, I got none! But my mom was able to muster up a little because I needed pajama pants. Shirts? I got hundreds. Okay, to be more accutate, about fifteen. Give or take. That is totally true, but another story. I got a new pair of pajama pants, they're blue, a plaid design. But that's not even the best part. They have pockets. I'm so excited, because I love pockets! I adore them, because when I don't have them it just isn't right. Like, I'll wear my black knit sweater when we go out to a nice place or event, and I'm constantly trying to put my hands in my pockets. But I can't! Because it has none. So now I've got pajama pants with pockets, so out of my entire life, I'd have to say these pajama's are my favorite. Well... if you don't count when I was about seven-ish and I got footy pajamas after getting a rug burn from sliding down the stairs. At that age I love sliding down the stairs on my stomach, we did it with friends and it was so fun! But the rug burn hurt. So that Christmas we got footy pajamas.

I still can't believe the oven just, died. Like, It'll be working soon... I hope. But the point is, it was so sudden. I mean I guess you can't prepare for it, but. I don't know. Come to think of it our oven has been acting it's age for a long time, the buttons are harder to press, the circuits on buttons is messing up the other. Eh, it's complicated. But it didn't seem that old. But I have had it my entire life, so I guess it makes sense. Okay, random topic. Well, sorta. My dad pulled out a yellow file he had, to find the manual for the oven. He has like, every manual from every appliance we've ever had in that file. They're all like new and he found it easily. When he came up with it he gave me a pointed look and said, "Thanks to my good filing system I know where the manual is." I just smiled. Now I'm not exactly know for knowing exactly where my things are, heck, when I was little I lost my shoes every day. That's an understatement. I do better now days, but I lose things much easier then he does. In the garage he's got lots of stuff, and even when his desk is a mess he knows where everything is. Well, almost everything. He knows where it is as long as he put it back and didn't leave it on his messy bench. But he almost always does.

When we were at the mall our grandma, who was the whole reason we went, decided she wanted to treat us to chocolate covered strawberries, as an early Valentines present. We headed over to Godiva, but their prices were outrageous. I mean I can sorta understand it, but 49 dollars for six chocolate covered strawberries? I don't think so. So we decided to but strawberries and chocolate from Costco, just near my grandma's house, and then make some at home. But now that the oven isn't working we won't get them today. Boo hoo.

I've almost finished Divergent. Less than nine chapters left. I'm going to be honest, the text it larger then I thoughts, and the text is also fairly well spaced. So it's no surprise that I'd finished such a large looking book so soon. I'm also a fast reader, or some I'm told. I'm also a fast talker, but I'm going to have to take peoples word for it. I never feel like I'm talking fast, I just talk and I naturally speed up. So yes, I've almost finished. I'll have to do a book review on it, I'll probably rate it as four out of five stars. Oh yes! I reviewed two books yesterday, Shadow Horse and Whirlwind. They go together, so I decided to review them on the same day.

Well, I've got things to do. I was out all morning, then I came home to cook and have the oven explode. You might say it's been a busy day.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! I want pockets on my PJ's!! And I miss my footie pajamas...

    Um, I am thinking about buying Divergant. I've heard so many good things about it. I know you rated it a 4 out of 5, so do you think it's good enough to buy?
