
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pouring Grey

Nothing says rainy day like a game of intense canasta. Of course that's not why we played, but we did and that last round. It. Was. Crazy, like hold your breath every time you discarded crazy. The discard pile was larger than the deck, and when Daddy got it, Daniel and I were in for it. We knew we would loose. But they need seventy five more points to win. Seventy five more points. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how close Daniel and I have come to being pulverized. We're taking a break, who knows when we'll finish. Chances are Daddy and Tiana will win, but there's always a chance. Canasta is a tricky game, full of surprises.

So as I said, it's raining. Nothing much had happened today. I haven't eaten very well, chocolate, egg sandwich, and... that's all I can think of. Ah yes, mango and milk. So today I've eaten chocolate, an egg sandwich, mango and milk. That would be why I feel kind of "bleh". My entire body feels unhealthy. Ah wait! I also had some potato chips (no help there) and an egg vegetable muffin thing. Even so I just don't feel good.

Some friends of ares are making a Hunger Games fan film, Weeping Willow. They started before I read Hunger Games, but now that I'm halfway through Catching Fire I'm pretty excited. I'm not a very good actor, at all, but it would have been fun to participate. But they live like an hour away, so obviously we didn't. Besides, they started before we were interested. But yes, I've been reading Catching Fire. The overall story is good, but. Well, it lacks... something. I mean the writing is a disappointment from everything I'd heard, the overall story is great, although Tiana and a few friends said Mockingjay was a bit of a let down. Tiana couldn't even make it through the book, the first part was pretty boring apparently. I'm still going to give it a try, but I have no expectations. I already know that Prim dies, along with a few other people as well, and I think Katniss has kids. But yeah, I'm not overly impressed with the series. It could have been so much better, but, oh well. Probably wont be buying those books, or reading them again any time soon.

My favicon still hasn't changed, that is so weird. I'll figure out how to fix that soon. Not now, but soon. I hope.

I totally re-arranged all my boards on Pinterest. Now everything that has to do with writing is not in brackets, and everything besides writing stuff is in brackets. So all the boards at the top are writing stuff. I sorta have two inspiration boards, but one is for more fantasy type inspiration and the other just average inspiration. So I'm still debating on if I should merge the two. Gosh, that'd be to much work. Nah.

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