
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Black Holes

We get to watch Harry Potter tonight! Yay, yay, yay! So far I'm really loving these movies! We just finished Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire. I believe the next one is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm still reading the second book, The Chamber of Secrets. It's really good so far. I'm on hold for the third book, but who knows when it'll actually get it. I'm number ten on the waiting list. Not a completely crazy number, but it's still going to feel like forever until I actually get it. I guess in the mean time I can read the millions of other books sitting around my room.

So you remember how I said I wanted a camera? I still do. But even more so today. Alas, I only have a little, silver one; I already said how it's old. To bad Sereina/Daddy's old camera broken. Like, it sorta works. It's not dead, but you can't take pictures with it. If it worked I'd totally use it.

Guess what my newest "obsession" is? It's not exactly an obsession but I've become really interested in Black Holes. More importantly, what the heck is on the other side?! I was talking to my dad about this. I wanted to know if they could get live feed from the Moon (I forgot that they've got live feed from Mars!) so when he told me that we can I said why not spend a space ship into a black hole to wee there it goes? He said we'd never get it back; that black holes shift time and space and mess everything up. So I asked how anyone could possibly know that. He didn't have an answer. So that's been my latest thought, what is up with black holes? I almost want to go in one, but I'd most likely never come back. That wouldn't be good.

So, have you ever watched a movie, or read a book, then been like I want to write a story about that! But I'll have to change it so it's not exactly the same. Then you start coming up with ideas and basically end up planning the exact same story with different characters/places? That's how I feel about my blog. I love the look of The Morg, a friend of mines blog. And as I said I want to change my blog, but I don't want to copy her (or anybody else for that matter). You might say I feel a little stumped about how I should change my blog. I just want it to be... different.

Those chickens! Somehow Snowy, our chicken (I forgot her breed... darn it), keeps getting out into the yard. And that brings me on the topic of how extremely smart/dumb chickens are. Seriously, at times they are the craftiest, smartest beings ever. Then you turn around and they're the complete opposite. Sometimes I wonder where the term "chicken" (as in being scared) came from. Chickens are not chicken. Well, unless you throw a dead mole at them. Then they're scared out of their wits. Or if you throw a rake full of grass into their coop. Chicken's are so weird. But so awesome.

*Bobbing head to music* "It's the eye of the tiger, it's the king of the fight." Sorry about that. My dad's listening to Eye of the Tiger. I used to listen to that song all the time when I was little. It was one of my favorites. Of course my taste in music has grown, but I still love those songs.

Haha, yes! Watermelon with dinner! Celebrate people, we're having watermelon with dinner! Watermelon is one of the best things about summer. It makes the occasional unbearable heat bearable. Speaking of heat, man it's hot today. I think it's going to get hotter as the week goes on. Oh dear. We're in for some terrible weather. Although I suppose it is a little nice. Tiana, Daniel and I went wading in the creek. At first it was cold, but I just had to remind myself of glacier water (glacier water is so cold, and I mean like so cold that I can't put half my foot in for more than a very small while). It was really nice. Yet again I was yearning for a good camera. Hm, maybe I'll go see if I can get any decent pictures from my camera. And maybe I will actually start saving my money for a camera.

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