So around a year ago (a short while after I started consistently posting here) my cat Kokopelli went missing. He was gone for five days, and it ended up be got stuck in the neighbors basement. Well, today we realized something really bizarre (in my mind at least), and I'm kind of panicking inside. Doji has been missing for three days, and we didn't noticed until this evening! We keep trying to think back, but the last time we remember seeing him was Monday. Now I know cats are survivors, and very well capable of taking care of themselves (as they have proven time and time again). But I'm really worried. Our cats are too curious about strangers cars, so what if they got locked in a strangers car, or accidentally driven away? Hopefully that monstrosity of a feral cat hasn't returned and beat him up (that's literally the last thing we need now). Though we probably would have heard it if it was close by (cats aren't exactly discreet when they start a fight).
The worst thing is, our cats are not afraid of cars. They would literally get run over by our cars if we didn't stop. They just don't care. I just hope Doji's okay.
As you can see, this is completely consuming my mind. I get worried really easily. That's rather put a damper on tomorrow, the day we planned to have some friends (who lives about an hour away) come over for the day. I'm still extremely excited, but now it's doused with worry. Jumping up and down with excitement has lost its appeal. Because every day that passes is another day he's not home; and with every day I get more panicked and worried.
Ug. I feel like I should be doing something! Looking for him! Something! But he could be anywhere. For all I know he's deep in the berry bushes beside our house, and somewhere deep in the neighborhood, stuck in someone's garage. This is eating me up inside. I want him home. That's the thing, is when our cats die I want us to know right away. Deep inside me I have the worry that he's... dead. But I don't want him to die and leave us thinking he's still out there. Ughhh... I'm so worried. I hate this feeling, and it's becoming too familiar (I know, it's only the second time, but still).
I'm really sorry. I hope you find Doji soon.