
Thursday, April 3, 2014

Meatloaf, It's What's for Dinner

Mwahahaha, more meatloaf for dinner! >:D This is the second time this week that we're having meatloaf. I'm not complaining. I'm celebrating! I love meatloaf, it's one of the most amazing foods ever! And... er mah gersh, mashed potatoes! I get to make mashed potatoes! Ah, this dinner is going to be amazing! Mashed potatoes are the best thing ever!

Okay... I seriously need new ears buds. Because listening to music just isn't the same. Looks like I might be able to get a new pair today. Sereina said Fred Meyer's had some nice ones of sale for ten dollars. That sounds good. I've actually got money to spend! I've got eleven dollars in my spend now budget. I love that budget. See, all my money goes through the system, meaning I put it into five different budgets. One of those budgets is my guilt free spending money. I love, love, love that budget because when I go to the store I can just buy something and not be like, should I? Maybe not... I just like, that's what the money's for! I can also use it to load my Star Bucks card. I love their frappuchinos.

Here's an interesting fact about myself. I love all things cold. Like I had ice cream on my birthday, and I was born in December. It'll be in the middle of a cold winter, maybe even snowing, and we'll be planning to go out for a walk and I'll buy a frappuchino. A nice cold one. Yup, I just really prefer cold drinks.

So, I changed my word goal for Camp NaNoWriMo. I thought, I'll save the 50,000 word goal for November. I changed it too 20,000 like Tiana is doing. Because I was at par for 50,000 I am now way ahead of par. I could take a few days off and it wouldn't be a problem. Of course, I'm not. I'm going to keep writing because the sooner I'm done the better. Actually, I think 20,000 might be a little short for this story... maybe. Really there's no way of telling until it's finished. So far it's going good though, I'm on page six. I wrote six pages in three days! Yes, I feel so accomplished! I always seem to get more writing done when there's a big "competition" like this.

Okay, I just modified Let it Go, as the Washington version. "The rain never bothered me anyway!" That's like... my motto or something. Seriously, the rain doesn't bother me. Haha, that makes me think of one time. We all went to Historic Flight and it was raining, like really, really hard. I decided to stay in the car with my mom and run to the building after we parked. Haha, oh boy. The parking lot was like a river and there were areas on the ground with water shooting out of them. They were storm drains... er, something. I don't know. But water was shooting out of them in a fountain about two feet high. I stepped out of the car and no joke was soaked in three seconds. My hair was drenched, my jeans soaked through, my shoes like sponges. It was ridiculous. Other than the fact then I couldn't dry off and was really cold it was fun. The hanger isn't exactly the best place to dry off. Oh yeah, and that stiff feeling you get as you start to dry off. When you're soaked you're fine, but once you start to dry off you just just a stiff feeling. It's hard to explain.

I can't wait to get the office room... Soon! I hope. It's so much bigger, and I have a feeling I'll be spending my mornings on the back deck, reading or writing or something. It'll be awesome!

I finally ordered the USB-MIDI! I think I already posted this! Okay, I don't remember. But yes, I ordered it and it's on it's way. Along with a retired Schleich I want to complete my Golden Retriever family. It's a cute little puppy. He'll be Willie's brother. I wonder what I'll name him... something similar to Willie, but not too much. Eh, we'll see. It'll probably hit me once I get him.


  1. Ooo, I love meatloaf!!

    That's so cool! I've always thought of collecting Schleich,but I know some of the retired ones can be expensive.

  2. Yeah, I've just slowly collected the current ones over time. The puppy is a newly retired, so he's still fairly cheap. Garage sales are great places to look, and online. I almost always buy current models, but once I bought an old Appaloosa for ten dollars. It was actually a very goo deal! :D

  3. Cool! As long as it's a "goo" deal.
