
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Yogurt for Breakfast... Again

I forgot to post yesterday... it was April fools day in case you forgot. I sorta did. Oh well, I'm posting now, right? Haha, I could have done a joke like, I'm not going to post anymore, bye forever! But then it would have been an April fools joke. Netflix joined in the fun, they posted a show that consisted entirely of watching bacon sizzle. Oh, and a friend of ours, Maxwell, posted on Facebook about an Avengers: Age of Ultron teaser. But the link led to a video of some guy dancing. Haha, that was a good one...

I haven't been posting as regularly lately. Huh, I'm not sure why. Well everything's good people, everything is good. Actually, something exciting has happened. It's April! That means it's Camp NaNoWriMo month! That's right, a way more relaxed version of NaNo happens two months during Spring and Summer. I'm using this month to try and get a prologue for Prev (did I every say that stands for Prevlion? As the The War of Prevlion?). So yeah, that's exciting. My word goal (I got to choose it!) is 50,000 words. Yeah, the same as November. I almost changed it, but I already got my cabin and I like them. One or two of them are Whovians! See, during Camp NaNo you get to join a virtual cabin. Eight people get this message board to talk to each other, encourage each other and help each other get ideas. It's pretty neat. You don't have to get a cabin, but it's fun!

I have a horrible tenancy to spell "each other" as one word. Lately I've been actually looking at words I constantly misspell so I can write then correctly the first time. Like "believe". I always had a hard time remembering how to spell that. I know there's other words too... I can't remember them. But I remember how to spell believe as be-lie-ve. I say that as a word, so it sounds funny. But it helps me remember!

So I have decided to not eat any refined sugar for this entire month. Little did I realize that the only bread I can eat has sugar in it. Ug. But I'm determined to stick too it! The only refined sugar I'll have it grape juice. Now there's an explanation needed here. The grape juice we get doesn't have added sugar, but grapes are already so high in sugar that as a juice they almost act like refined sugar (I think I got that right). I need to drink grape juice... well, sorta. I put raw apple cider vinegar in it, then drink it while I plug my nose. It's the only way I can drink the stuff! It's really good for you, and it's important that I drink it. So that's the only "refined sugar" that I'll be eating (Drinking. :P).

Ah, Tiana is here. We're going to work on our novels for Camp NaNo. Let's hope I make it through day two. Eek!

1 comment:

  1. I always remember that there is a lie in Believe. That's ironic.
