
Thursday, December 4, 2014


I have finished my new blog, and now I'll be making all my posts there. I'm trying not to get all sentimental about this, but as much as I want a fresh start for this blog, it'll be a little sad not going to this blog anymore. But I'm sure I'll be fine once I start posting a bit.

This will be my 193rd, and last post on this blog. I'll definitely keep it open, so I can look back at all the memories I've recorded. Who knows, maybe I'll go through and do a kind of Flashback Friday thing on my blog, covering some of the times I had during this blog. Hm, that'd be fun actually! Anyways, here is the link to my new blog, Life's a Journey:

I know the URL is a bit odd, but when I first made the blog I didn't know what to use, so I just did that. I rather like it, so I decided to keep it. Shows my interesting personality. :) See you all on the other side!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Big Hero 6

Okay, calm down everybody, all is well now. Turns out we didn't have to hire a plumber, but we did have to buy and install a $50 dollar part on the pipe that broke. I woke up to hear that the water was turned back on! Yay! That's such a relief.

Turns out we were actually able to make it to Big Hero 6. It was really good; I enjoyed it very much. We were literally the only people watching it, so we were wandering all around the room, talking about which seats we'd sit in for when Star Wars VII comes out. *Spoilers* I have to say, when Tadashi died in Big Hero 6, it was sooooo sad! I didn't want him to die! *End spoilers*

Well, I suppose I'd better get back to life. But before I do, IT'S ONLY THREE DAYS UNTIL MY BIRTHDAY!!! Gahh... I've finally decided what I want to do for my birthday on Saturday.

My plans go as follows: I will wake up, and everyone will be awake before me so I can race up stairs and open presents first thing. We all hang out for a bit, me probably playing with my new stuff (if they are the kind of presents that you would play with) until Mamma and I leave for lunch at P.F. Changs. I'll be having my favorite spicy chicken, which is incredible. We'll return home, hang out, probably play some Wii Games, maybe have a bowling tournament or something, then dinner. I'm having steak fajitas, one of my favorite dinners, oh, and we'll have cheese balls with crackers and homemade jello throughout the day. Then finally we'll watch a movie. I'm hoping to get How to Train Your Dragon 2, but I may have to settle for something else. Maybe we'll finally get around to watching The Return of the King. I'm so ready to start watching The Hobbit movies. I started fangirling a little at the theater when I saw the poster.

So those are my birthday plans! I still can't believe I'm almost sixteen; as I probably keep saying, it's just weird.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Rude Awakening

Well isn't this positively marvelous. Here I am, lying in bed for the night, minding my own business when Daniel says something. I pull out an earplug, and he repeats that he heard something. It was a hissing sound, similar to the fan on my old laptop. So of course I'm like, yeah, it's just my computer. But it sounded too loud, and when I got close my computer was silent. Obviously my adrenalin had kicked in before I even got up. I walked towards the garage, and it was coming from there.

My first though was, dang it, we've got dangerous fumes leaking from pipes or something, and the house could set fire or something. So I'm like, Daniel we need to get upstairs and tell Mamma and Daddy, NOW. (Apparently I react fairly calmly in such situations; I'm quite proud of myself). We raced upstairs, I explained the situation, and Daddy and I raced back down to the garage.

DANG. There's water piling up by the door, and an unknown pip is hissing water loudly. Daddy raced over, while I open the garage door. The water goes pouring out towards the drain, and continues to constantly pour down the driveway. The pip is spitting water everywhere, so we grabbed a flashlight and ran out to this... darn, I forgot what it's called, but we opened up this concrete hole, trying to shut off our water. But that dang this is too darn complicated. We ended up calling 911, asking for assistance. Other than the fact that water was gushing from our house, it was kind of exciting when the fire truck arrived. 'Course we woke up a few people around the neighborhood, and it's gonna cost a small fortune to hire a plumber to fix the damage. What's even worse is we now have no water. No shower, no toilet, sink, drinking water; zilch. Let's just say we're in for quite an interesting time. I don't think we'll be going to the theater to see Big Hero 6 tomorrow.

In conclusion: we are fine, we are alive, but we are without water. Who knows how long we'll last. A few days at most. :P Kidding, we'll find a way.

Recent Ponderings

I've been thinking about my blog, and just general blogging lately. See, I really enjoy having this blog, and while I'm far from expert I like re-decorating it and things. But yesterday I started thinking, and there's a possibility that I'll be closing this blog down. I know! Hear me out though. I have this idea for a new blog to replace this one. It's been great, but my posts are very random, and my blog is basically a journal. That's been fun; but I though it would be cool to start a blog to record more than just my thoughts on life. I would also document my progress in Gaelic, talk about my writing and things I've learned, even write a bit about my history research. Basically bring together all the random blogs I've made into the past into one, big, awesome blog.

If I do, it'll be hard to say goodbye to this blog. I've had it for over a year, and I've loved it. But I'd like a clean slate if I do this.

Why can't I manage more than one blog, you might ask? I've tried, and regularly posting on more than one blog is tough. Especially if they are similar; then you're just voicing the same thoughts in different ways.

To be honest, the more I think about making this blog, the more excited I get, and I think that this may very well one of my last posts. I'll link my new blog to here, so you can keep up with my crazy busy life (kidding, it's hardly busy, but I aim to make it more full). I haven't even decided what to call this new blog, but just be sure, it will be just as crazy awesome as this blog. There's be one big difference though: I'll actually edit the posts. Yeah, I've never done that in the past, so there's been lots of spelling errors. Basically I'm just being lazy, so with this new blog, which I shall set upon he world in the near future, I will eradicate this horrible habit and bunch of laziness.

Okay, I'm getting really excited about the idea of this blog, so I think I'll get started today. And if you know me, it'll probably be done today. But I'm going to make sure it's perfect. So out with the old, in with the new! It's been nice knowing ya! (Don't worry, I still have at least one more post before this is all over).

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Dreams: You Love 'Em, You Hate 'Em

Finally, I think I've decided which novel to start writing in December (that is, tomorrow; eekk!). I'm feeling inspired for Heart of Fire, and so tomorrow I think I'll start writing. That'll be fun, and sometime soon I'll start editing Believe. There's a lot of work to be done with that novel, and I'm quite sure I'll have to re-write it. But none the less, it will be edited!

My birthday is so close. Like, way closer than if feels. For those who don't know, my birthday is on December 6th. Yeah, I know, I'm less than a week away from being sixteen. Crazy, right? Actually, on the topic of birthdays, I'm terrible at remembering birthdays. I only barely remember the birthdays of my family, and out of my family I only remember a few. The two most memorable are the birthdays of my friend Lilly, who I am exactly six days older than, and then Matt, who's birthday is two days before mine. Pretty cool, huh? It's just kind of awesome meeting people with birthdays that close to your own.

So this Black Friday was pretty awesome. Usually I'm broke, and don't buy anything because it's usually all about clothes shopping, which of course is boring. But now that I've got a Chase card and I'm managing my own clothes budget, I got to do some real shopping. I finally got a proper Superman shirt. I've been needing one (ha, I'm actually wearing it right now). Then I also bough two awesome button up shirts. I I've flannel shirts, and I finally got a red one, and a blue one. Of course I wouldn't pass up buy two get one free Schleich at Fred Meyers, so I got an Angus cow (which I have named Sharpie... don't ask why), a sheep, (which I have named Mary... get it?) and the new Golden Retriever (which is currently nameless, though if it's a boy I may name him Count). I ended up getting up at 2:25AM that day, and I'm still recovering from staying awake for 18 hours. One day I'm going to pull an all nighter; I just don't know when.

Her Interactive is having a super sale on their Nancy Drew games. Half off! YEAH!!! Tiana and I bought two of them. I really wanted Labyrinth of Lies, but we ended up with The Shattered Medallion, and The Deadly Device. I can't wait to play them. I actually watched Arglephrumf's walk-through of Deadly Device, but I don't remember it that much. I remember the intern at the time was in all the videos, and she counted each area that Nancy said, "it's locked" in. If you play ND games, then you'll get why. ;)

Also on Black Friday we got to some friends who live out of town. It was pretty fun getting to see them again. We talked a bit about Nancy Drew games; the one game that has scarred me the most is Shadow at the Waters Edge. Now it's easy to be really uneasy during these games, and sure I get "scarred" by most all of the, but this is one that when these two scary parts come up that I have to look away. You have to see it to get it. They just really freak me out, because I had a dream that is still scares me when I think about it in the dark.

It's time I tell you of my most frightening dream I've ever had (actually I might have already written about it, but I like retelling it for some reason). I'm in the middle of a lake, swimming while Tiana is standing on a platform nearby. It's pitch black, but there is a spotlight where we are. The water is so deep, you couldn't see the bottom. I swim over and grab a platform, to show Tiana where to jump. She makes it, and bounced over to a ship, to safety. I climb on, to my right is the ship, to the left a board standing just a foot above the water. For some explainable reason I go to the left. Now you know how in movies, they'll play creepy music, and you just know that something freaky is going to happen and it makes your heart skip a beat before it happens? That's what I felt, and from the water emerged this, thing. Imagine Infiri from Harry Potter, only more human. Smiley, and green with sagging skin, skeleton hands clawing to where I'm standing. I freak, trying to jump over to the ship to safety, but times slows and it's about to grab me. BAM! I wake up, and my heart is racing so fast I felt like I was having a heart attack. I literally couldn't fall asleep out of fear. It had felt so real, and every time I looked into the darkness I could almost literally see it emerging out of the water. It still gives me the creeps at night.

Speaking of dreams, you know how when you need to run, you never can, or you just barely move? I have a twisted version of that in every dream. Every time I need to run, I actually have the power to fly, but it's really difficult. It's like swimming, only through syrup, and you have to point your head in the direction you want to go, but you have to wiggle your body. The hardest part is you're always drifting. It's the most frustrating thing in the world. But on the bright side, I feel like I've actually flown, and it's the coolest thing in the world.

It's almost Tuesday, which is the first of the two episode event of the Arrow, Flash mash up! Gah, I can't wait to see it! It's gonna be EPIC!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Bad Night of Sleep

Okay, so it seems like at least once a week since Doji went missing, I'll have a dream that he came back. It always feel so real, and the one I had last night was the worst one yet. In the dream I just got really emotional that he returned, and waking up from those dreams sucks because I realize it was a dream and then I get really sad. It's not exactly how I like to start my day.

Last night was one of my worst nights of sleep, ever. First off I had Kokopelli sleeping on me. First he was at me feet, then they got cramped up so I moved up and I was hugging him and trying to sleep. After a while I needed to shift positions, and when I did he decided my stomach was a great place to stretch out, so I couldn't breath for a bit. Then he ended up in between my legs. All the while I was listening to music. I usually don't do this, because I can never fall asleep with music on, but I was because outside there was this really odd noise. It sounded kind of like a car door slamming close, or someone loading a truck. Just an odd noise, and at 11:30 in completely darkness that noise can start to creep you out. Even my ear plugs couldn't keep away that loud noise. Finally I just sucked it up, turned off the music, and tired to sleep. That banging was creeping me out though. All I could imagine was someone doing something illegal or something in the middle of the night.

The funny part about that sound though, is I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Usually you have an idea of where it coming from, but I seriously had no idea. It's like the noise was coming from everywhere. 'Course, me being a writer and all my mind started with all these crazy ideas and such. Luckily I finally fell asleep, but even this morning I'm still quite tired.

Okay, so in December The Flash and Arrow are having a two night event. Flash and Arrow are teaming up, and it's a two parted using two different shows! That's really gonna mess some people up. But I think it's totally epic. Especially considering the plot line of the episodes. I really love both those shows, and until recently Agents of Shield hasn't been as good as before, so these shows have been totally kicking them hard. Now I know Man of Steel was a disaster, and I can't truly say anything of the Dark Nigh movies. I think the Batman v. Superman movie will be a flop, and let's just face that DC is terrible at making movies. TV on the other hand, well, let's just say they're incredible at it. Good thing Arrow has a large following, so the show should go on for many season, and the Flash, which is still on it's first season, just hit two million followers on it's Facebook page. Let's hope these shows have a long life span, because they're awesome.

I still can't decided which book to start writing. Heart of Fire and The Shadow have the most plot; one is historical fantasy, the other just fantasy, so I'd be getting away from real life stuff in my writing. That'd be kind of nice since Believe is set in the real world. But at the same time, True Hero is set in the real world, but I really want to write that. Then of course there is Prevlion, which is my most fantasy of fantasy novels. Lots of dragons and mythical beasts. GAH, how am I supposed to decide!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

For the Win!

I did it! Today I hit 50,053 words on my novel, Believe! I have officially won NaNoWriMo for my second year in a row! Yeah!

I'm really glad to be finished. Don't get me wrong, I loved every second of it. But I wrote 6,000 words today. My neck is still stiff from sitting at the computer for so long. But I did it! This story was one of my less plotted novels, so I have a much better idea of where I want this book to go. So while I will actually take advantage of the free paperback copies this year, this will definitely not be my finished manuscript. I'm going to have to re-write the whole thing, but that's okay. :) I'll definitely take a break form this story though. Having it be the only one in ym thought process for one whole month is tough. Usually I drift between novels, so this was kind of tough.

Now I may take a bit of a break, considering Thanksgiving, Black Friday, etc. but starting December 1st, or sooner, I will try and write 500 words a day. In this way I will create a habit of writing every day so I can write the many stories in my head, but I don't use all my time writing. I either write, or I don't. There's no in between. I want to change that. The thing is, I can't decide which novel to write. One with less plot, or more? Heart of Fire and The Shadow have the most plot. Prev. takes second/third, and the rest tie for last. Because of the fan art I want to do True Hero, and I might. Argh, I just can't decide!

My novel ended up being 80 pages long. That may seem like a lot, but that is actually a very, very small book. I can only imagine how many words the Harry Potter books much be!

Oh yes, and my Facebook account was "hacked" by a friend. Technically Tiana did it, but my friend Matt left a message for me. It was pretty funny. Matt if you happen to read this (for some odd reason since no one really reads my blog anyways) watch out. I'm plotting my revenge, and I will not rest until it has been fulfilled! >:D

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Fan Art!

Okay so, on the LOL Kids Forum someone asked for permission to draw my character, Jade, from my story True Hero. Obviously I said yes, I mean who doesn't want someone to draw their character, right?! I was really excited to see how they though Jade looked, and to see the finished product. Now I really wasn't sure what to expect, I knew that their drawings were more on the cartoon-ish side. This honestly exceeded my expectations greatly. I'll show you their painting.

Now I don't know about you, but I'm completely in love with this drawing. It's actually given me a whole new look on Jade and her character; the expression is literally perfect. Only once before have I had someone draw my character, but the first way me requesting someone to do it, not the other way around. Out of the two I'd say this is my favorite. It's just so cool! Honestly, I was super excited and touched when she asked if she could draw Jade. She said she really loved the prologue that I wrote, and her praise just gets me really excited. I know I'm not the best writer in the world, but whenever someone really likes my work I just get all tingly and excited.

I'm just really happy with how their painting turned out. I'll be using it as a base for Jade's character from now on. I never really did find a photo of someone that quite fit Jade's character, so this drawing truly is perfect. Gah, I think I'll have to start writing True Hero in December, after NaNoWriMo. Those comments along with the painting just make me fell as warm inside. It's the coolest thing! It's my first fan art you could say. This is extremely awesome.

That's all I wanted to say. I need to get back to writing Believe. I've already hit tomorrows par, and I need to keep up with Tiana. She's already at 41,000 words today, though I'm only two hundred words behind. Maybe I'll even catch up to Evangeline today!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Black Widows Everywhere

Wait, my last post was on the thirteenth? What? It doesn't feel like it'd been that long. But then again, writing makes time fly really fast. I have officially passed the halfway mark, and while my story isn't perfect it's going pretty well. I've got plans for it once December starts. Or should I say, once the month of editing begins!

I have found two new composers whom I like. Peter Roe, and Mark Petire. Both are pretty awesome, and I love their music. Now that I've got Spotify back on my computer, listening to music is a lot easier. Usually I use YouTube, but I get kind of fed up with all the ads before the video. Then it kind of ruins the mood of the maker of the song talks at the end of the video. That's why Spotify is perfect. Well, except that there are ads, though less of them. These ads are really obnoxious.

Oh dear. Now I'm seeing a lot of Mockingbird stuff around the interest. Brace yourselves, it's coming! But at least there's only one more movie until it's over. Actually, some of the trailers look kind of cool (nothing like what I thought of based on the books). Who knows, the soundtracks might be cool. I listen to lots of soundtracks of movies I've never seen, and probably never will. Just cause I don't like a movie doesn't mean I can't like the soundtrack. Though I've never tired either Hunger Games, or Catching Fire soundtracks.

Daniel and I have been doing major cleaning in our room. One because it's nice having a clean room, and two, it'll be easier when we finally move into the office room. I can't wait to get that room. But yeah, we went and cleaned under our bed and purged a lot of stuff. There was sooooo much dust under the bed, it was unbelievable. We also found a spider that looked just like a black widow under there. For all we know it is a black widow (after all, only the females have the red mark... or was it only the males had it?). Either way, that spider is gone. No, I was not the one to kill it. My mom came in and saved the day. I have arachnophobia, so I didn't want anywhere near that spider. Apparently it was already half dead when she killed it. That's a relief, I mean it was under my bed! We also have a spider that looks like a black widow in our garage. Seeing as they can survive in Washington, but not reproduce and stay alive here, it makes me wonder. I seriously doubt it's a black widow. But what if it is? I hope it just says in that corner by the door. I don't fancy being bit by that spider.

Today Daniel and I plan to go through our closet. We still have out stuffed animals, and I don't plan on getting rid of them anytime soon, but the end of ours beds just doesn't work that well anymore. So we're going to try and find a nice place to store them. I have the perfect place in mind too.

Ug, I feel all on edge after talking about the spider. That's one of the problems with long hair, once you think about spiders you feel like they're crawling all over you, and that there are webs all over you, just because your hair brushes over your arms. Even so, I still really like my long hair. I don't plan on getting it cut any time soon. I only just discovered that I can tie my hair in a knot, and so I can pretend to do an Elsa transformation because my hair comes out so smoothly. Or I can pretend to do the Wonder Woman change. I want to get a Wonder Woman shirt, wear it underneath a button up shirt, have have my hair up. Then I can perfect spinning around, letting my hair down, pulling off the button up, and being ready to fight! :) Haha, that probably sounded weird.

I must write now. Yesterday I stayed up until ten trying to hit par. Not that I don't usual stay up until ten, but you know, had I gone to bed any later I may have been up really late. So yeah, see y'all later (that sounded weird coming from me... y'all. Not in my usual vocabulary. Now something I say quite often thanks to Doctor Who is Oi! I don't even think about it, it just comes out now).

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ads Can be Good

Darn it. I was messing around with my Walther P22 (air soft of course) and it's stuck. I pulled back the slide and now, for reasons I cannot figure out, it wont go forward. One of the BB's is stuck somewhere inside, but I can't get it out to make sure everything is safe.... okay that was odd. I just got the BB out. But there were two. How the heck did two BB's get in the chamber? I didn't even know it could fit more than one! Whhhaaaa? Two more? Where the heck are these BB's coming from?! I pulled the magazine out... what the heck. Oh, and that makes five. The slide's back in place and everything appears to be working. But how on earth did five BB's get stuck in the chamber? That doesn't make an logical sense.

Well, I hit par for today! I wasn't sure I'd make it though. My plot is running out of steam. Oh well, at least I can continue to write about supernatural events for filler. It may drag it out, but at least it'll be more interesting than the last ten thousand words of Rohca. A novel which I have large plans for. The next draft will be a million times better.

I've gotten used to the keys on Tommy. I can now type with ease and extreme speed. There are a few times I get slightly caught up, but I'm getting used to it. That's a good things, because it's really frustrating when you can't type fast. It's also frustrating when there seems to be something stuck under one of your mouse buttons. It's really hard to right click, and it's rather maddening. Oh yay, I just fixed it. Thank goodness. It was driving me crazy. I wonder how something got stuck in there in the first place.

Everybody knows that over half the videos on YouTube have adds, right? Well, that's just a guess, but I'm probably right. Anyways, usually they're annoying and you can't wait to skip them. Or you cant skip them and it's really annoying. Well for once I'm glad for YouTube adds. Since I use YouTube to listen to most of my music I'm using it all the time, and one of the adds was for Peter Hollens version of the song I See Fire from the Hobbit, The Desolation of Smaug. I am now completely in love with that song. I love the original version, as well as Peter Hollens version. So for once, thank you YouTube. Keep playing more ads like that.

Monday, November 10, 2014


So what I'm about to talk about is something not many people (outside of my family) know. Actually, I don't think any of them know this. Okay, so for about the last three or four years, give or take a year, I've slept wearing ear plugs. I don't remember exactly when it started, but now I literally can't fall asleep without them. There are multiple reasons, I share a room and people make noises at night. I'll hear the creaking of the house (it doesn't scare me, but since I wear earplugs it's unusual), and just a different kind of quiet.

To continue, just recently we learned that I mostly likely have a case of Misophonia. In short, it's a condition that basically manes a hatred of sounds. That sounds kind of odd. But yes, it would appear as though I have this condition. It's actually been a huge relief for me, because I have a hard time when people make certain, totally natural sounds. I would just get angry when I heard them, and I couldn't figure out why I got angry so quickly over something so trivial. This is apparently a new condition and there's supposedly no cure. But I'm sure there's something we can do.

One thing about Misophonia, apparently if you have it then it's a bad idea to wear ear plugs. Even just listening to music is better than ear plugs (I'm not totally sure why there's a difference, other than with ear plugs there's literally no noise, while with ear buds there's still sound). So back to why I told you about my wearing earplugs for many years. I have made it a quest for myself, I'm going to try and wean myself off using earplugs so I can sleep like a normal person. My plan is to get a fan to generate white noise, create a long playlist of relaxing music to play softly, and to take a melatonin so I can have an extra bit of help in the beginning. So far the only fan in the house isn't working (go figure) so I may have to wait a small while. Perhaps I can get one from our grandpas basement, because I don't think just the music is going to cut it... hm. I wonder if the sounds of nature, or a thunder storm in the background would help as well? Maybe I can go between that and music if that ends up working.

Now on an entirely different topic, NaNoWriMo. It's going quite well. I've only got a few hundred words until I've hit todays par. My whole thing of being a few days ahead of par has been lost. In a sense I'm glad, just because I don't want NaNoWriMo to go by too fast. But looking back, I was only ever two days ahead before, and those two days go quick.

With the quickly passing NaNoWriMo days I've realized, it wont be long until my sixteenth birthday! It's less than a month away. I'm not quite sure what I want to do. What I do know is as soon as I wake up I want to open presents. Last year I did this, but everyone forgot to wrap my gifts and I had to wait what felt like hours for them all to be wrapped before I could open them. Lets hope history doesn't repeat itself. ;) Things I'm planning to do on my birthday are going to P.F. Change for lunch. They have the most amazing spicy chicken. It's basically orange chicken, only gluten free and spicy. It. Is. Amazing! Unfortunately since we're still kind of poor, only my mom and I will be going. But I suppose it'll make it kind of special!

For my birthday I'm also planning on having homemade chocolate cake, and homemade, no sugar added, jello. Then I suppose we'll watch a movie. I don't know what movie to watch. I'm considering trying to get Soul Surfer, to watch it again. But maybe I want to wait, so I can watch How to Train Your Dragon 2. I loved the first one, and from word on the street the second one was worth the wait. Of course I don't have to wait as long as everyone else, since I didn't watch the first one till a small while ago. :)

A few months ago I started composing my first song! It's on the piano of course, and it's about fifteen seconds long so far (that sounds kind of pathetic, but that's actually a lot of work!). I transferred what I've got so far onto Magix. I'm hoping to get it up to at least a minute for a short song. Since I can make it any instrument the final product may not be piano at all. I'm considering turning it into a guitar solo, or maybe flute. I'm not very experienced with working with the flute on the midi; it's rather complicated. So probably not flute.

I really hope that Brunuh and Sharm release another vocal collab. song soon. I really love the ones they'd done so far. I think Song of the Dragonborn, Cry of the Dragons, and The Essence of Life are my favorites. They're all good, though one of them is a bit rough. Brunuh didn't intend that song to be a vocal when he first composed it. I love the way Brunuh changed the end bit of Cry of the Dragons for the vocal. It had a much more epic ending.

Today I bought the Anna doll from the Disney store! It's awesome, because now both Tiana and I have an Anna and Elsa doll for ourselves. Each doll has an interesting personality, and they're usually quite crazy. I also got an awesome Lion King shirt.

Gah. Kokopelli just jumped up on my computer, and he insists on laying on it. Crazy cat, I can't write like this.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Suddenly I'm Busy

I love Tommy so far. Having my own laptop is so nice. Today I started going through a bunch of my old files from when my old computer still worked (speaking of which, I need to get some things off of the actual computer that didn't get transferred to the Link Station). I have so many old things that I really don't need on there, though I found a few good old things. Like a Pirates of the Caribbean background Sereina made for me years ago. I also found the beginning of a story from a really long time ago. Wow. Just wow. That writing was really terrible. Of course I was a bit younger, and I'm not putting myself down for it, but my old writing is very... boring. :) It goes to show that I've come a long way.

So I have now played a Nancy Drew game on my computer, and since you computer can flip around (not all the way, but pretty far) it's pretty interesting. I love my touchscreen. When I flip it around it's kind of like having my own personal television. It's pretty awesome. I was playing Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon (or as I call it, Last Train, or Blue Moon). I've always cheated in like, every game, but I've decided to go though the game and not cheat. But it's so hard. I cannot for the life of me figure out the order of the dolls! It's driving me crazy, because I know, but it's not working. Grrrr.

So far today I haven't done any writing. Yikes. Yesterday I did hit todays par though, so it's not too scary. I've been busy working with my dad for the lending and things all last night and this morning, I've barely had time to eat, let alone write! I'm planning on doing some writing, but I really want to clean and go through my room. I actually used Pinterest in the way other people do, and was looking at crafty pins. It got me in a super artsy mood, but it was late at night, so I couldn't exactly start cleaning my room then (if I didn't have a roommate then I might have). So today I want to purge and clean, but still get some writing done so I'm at least a little ahead. My friend, Evangeline, is totally whupping me. Last I saw she was at eighteen thousand. I'm only at twelve thousand! Maybe tomorrow or the next day I'll dedicate to writing a whole bunch. Things have been so busy with Trebon. We didn't have anything going on, but now we're finalizing three deals, preparing another, and just gah. Too much at once. :)

Okay, I'm going to either write or eat, I don't know which first, then I'll probably clean my room. Unless I have more Trebon work.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Robin Hood, Fact or Fake?

Ah. I love watching shows set back it time. They bring so many questions to my mind. I should really write them down as I watch, so I can remember to research them later. What has brought this on? Robin Hood. The BBC show to be exact. My mom and I finally got around to watching it again. We got in two more episodes. Of course it's not the most historically accurate show, and I'm okay with that. Though I find it annoying that Lady Marion wears pants. That's one of the biggies of history. After all, only in the last hundred years or so have pants become acceptable for women to wear. It's kind of funny. With all of today's technology I forget that the eighteen hundreds really weren't that long ago. Sure, one hundred years is a long time. But that's just a little bit longer than a persons life (I'm not saying all people live that long, but many people do). So just think, only a few generations ago we didn't have cars.

I've actually become quite interested in the history of Robin Hood. But darn my luck, right when I find the section talking of Robin Hood I have to return Castles, Customs, and Kings. I'm hoping to do more research on Robin Hood, and King Richard and the Crusades. From what I've read there's been a lot of Robin Hoods. But it's not what you're thinking.

Today I got to go rollerskating with some friends. It was really fun. For some time we all kept saying we hoped they would play Let it Go (that's right, I am not, and never will be, sick of that song). Mary and I went and requested it, but didn't tell Tiana and Lilly. They got all excited when it started playing, but then we told them. While the song played I saw a kid covering his ears. I guess he doesn't like that song.

Oh, gotta go.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Finally, after the weekend that lasted an eternity, my wonder Lenovo laptop, Tommy, has arrived! I'm so excited! Hes perfect! There's a real number pad on the keyboard (I'm soooo not used to that), and the sound is better then any computer I've ever owned. Granted, it's Windows 8, but it's not like you get just get it without Window 8. I'm still getting used to the new keyboard though. I keep pressing the wrong buttons. It's going to be a while before I can type without looking.

Actually when Tommy arrived at the door I was mid word sprint with Tiana and a friend who we were video chatting with. I didn't even hear the truck (we call UPS delivery men the ninjas of delivery) Ack, I'm so not used to this keyboard. I'm all out of whack.

One of the nicest features, which I really didn't think I needed, is a touch screen. It's actually really helpful at times. Especially when you can't find your mouse and don't feel like using the tedious touchpad.

The screen can also fold backwards in a 180° which is really nice. I mean I haven't used it yet, but it's a cool feature. The whole computer is just, gah! AWESOME!!! It's so nice, now I hae a computer that can be off the charger without dying in less than a minute (that's literally how terrible my old computer battery is, I'm not exaggerating).

Saturday, November 1, 2014

November Has Arrived

Today is the beginning. NaNoWriMo has begun! Already Tiana and I are really competitive. But let me start at the beginning (a very good place to start ;))

Tiana and I stayed up until midnight. After our usual few games of Poker and giving candy to trick or treaters we set up our computer spots. It felt like an eternity for midnight to come. We did a video chat with two of our friends who are also doing NaNoWriMo (it's their first year). Tiana wrote about half her par, and since it was almost one in the morning decided to go to bed. I was going to go to bed, but ended up writing a little more. So I hit my first days par around one in the morning.

Now usually I wake up, on a normal day, around eight or nine. This morning, since I was so deprived of sleep, I ended up waking up at seven. In the morning. Yeah, I'll bet you weren't expecting that. Tiana, for some weird reason, couldn't sleep. She got me because she wanted to be fair and give me a chance to keep up. Of course that was the perfect moment to mention that I'd already hit par. ;) We both went up stairs and she wrote and it's been a competition ever since. At one point today we both had the same word count, 1,750. But she decided to go and write more. I've almost hit two thousand words today; I have a feeling like we're going to finish NaNoWriMo early again.

So remember how Tommy is thirty minutes from my house, but I can't get him? Well now he's five minutes away. Literally five minutes. I called to see if I could pick him up, but I apparently called the wrong part of UPS. My parents were headed to Costco though, and said they'd stop by and see if they could pick it up. It's kind of funny, last night I was "complaining" about it being so close (you know, mock whining) and my dad's like "there's plenty of ways you could go get it. Breaking into the wear house for instance." Haha. I'd had the same thought (of course I'd never actually do that. I just need to clarity, in case any cops find my blog and read it for some reason. :P). You know, it's thoughts like that that really make it appropriate for me to be in Slytherin. :P

It's so cool doing NaNoWriMo with friends. Evangeline (who I know will read this ;)) has almost hit par today! :D My other friends haven't updated their word count. Mine is always updated. So unless you check as I'm writing, the number on my account will be exactly how many words I've written. It's so exhilarating to update it every time I break from writing.

I feel kind of like playing a Nancy Drew game... but I lack a computer to play it on. Once I get Tommy I'm planning on putting all of our Nancy Drew game on him (we own all but like four or five of them). That's one thing about me, I'm a gamer. Sure, I have my fair share of tv shows that I love, but when it comes down to it I'll usually pick a computer game over watching tv. Even if it's not educational par say, I love to engage my mind. Even if I've done a Nancy Drew game a hundred times, or played the entire scenario of Petz Horses five times (it's a really long game) I don't care. I get into the story. :) Speaking of Petz Horses, that game it amazing. Look it up. I would ramble about it for hours, but... well, why don't I?

Ohhh, there's a squirrel on the deck! He's so cute! I think a pet squirrel would be awesome.

Gah. I really hope that Daddy's able to pick up Tommy today. That would be awesome. They seriously should have overnighted it the other day so I could have gotten it Friday.

Friday, October 31, 2014

So Very Close, and Yet So Very Far

My package. My wonderful package containing Tommy. My package carrying Tommy to me. It is literally thirty minutes away, as of yesterday. It should totally be able to arrive today, but noooo. It's still due on Monday! I seriously wish I could just drive over and pick it up! But that's not how mailing works. I suppose there's a smallest, tiniest chance that it'll come today. But I'm trying not to get my hopes up. It would be awesome if it came today though, then I would have it just in time for NaNoWriMo. Ach, does must this torment me so? It is right there.

So in chapter three of Gaelic I'm learning about names and introductions. One of the first things they're talking about is how Scottish (and maybe Irish) names very commonly start with Mac (I'm assuming that Mac and Mc are the same thing, based on other things I've read). Oh, random fact, David Tennant (who plays the tenth incarnation of the Doctor) his real name is David MacDonald. Yup, he sounds more like the Scotsman he is with that name, compared to Tennant. That would also suggest that some friends of ours, the McAndrews, are of Scottish descendant as well. That's pretty awesome. I'm a mix of lots of things, such as some German from my moms side, and based off our last name, French (Blanchard is a French name). I suppose if you go back far enough I'm really everything. It would be rather interesting to trace my family back to see if I'm related to anyone important. Of course, in my mind I'm racing us back to Revolutionary France (seeing as I would appear to have some French blood in me). That would be rather cool... but tough to trace I admit.

When Daniel and I finally get to move into the large office room I'm really, really hoping for a large empty piece of wall. Something I've wanted to do for a while, but just lacked space (ha, lacked space, story of my life :P) was to create multiple family trees of the royal families I like to study. In the end they almost always connect in a way. Mary Queen of Scots was Elizabeth I cousin. The last Empress of Russia was the granddaughter of Victoria. Those are a few that come to mind. Actually they could be it, but royals believed in marrying other royals for treaties, so there's a large chance I'll find out more (that's actually part of why many of the royals over the ages have been sickly, they kept marrying their own kin).

I'd also like a large stretch of wall to tape all my story inspiration pictures to. Right now I have a whole bunch taped under my bed. They're a bit beat up though, so I'd like a better place for when I eventually get that room. I love daydreaming about when Daniel and I will move over there though. It'll be so weird. When we do we'll be putting in a door. That'll be odd. And it'll be so big! I've always shared a room, and I've never had a large room to begin with.

Over the course of my life I've never successfully written a journal/diary. I started them, forgot to write for months, and decided to start over. Just repeat that a few times. Yeah. Well now that I've been trying to do school I've been writing in a journal everyday day (or almost every day). I've had it since October seventh of this month. It's actually kind of fun now, I'm not sure what changed. It's cool to think of someone in the future reading it, and being all excited because everything in it's true. That's how I felt about reading Olga Romanova's diary. It so so amazing, because I knew that on that date, she did that at that time. Like I never would have known that the royal family read A Study in Scarlet. I just find that really, really cool. Ahh... someday I want to visit Russia... maybe even learn Russian one day...

Okay guys, deep breath... today's Halloween... tomorrow is the start of NANOWRIMO!!! AHHH I'M SO EXCITED, IT'S TOMORROW, THE DAY HAS COME TO STAY UP UNTIL MIDNIGHT AND START THE CRAZY JOURNEY THAT ENDED IN WONDROUS DISASTER LAST YEAR!! Hoo... woa.. yeah. I'm really excited. Gah! :D

Back on the topic of Tommy. He's so close. Maybe the tracking information just didn't update. Maybe he's out for delivery. After all, I know from experience that sometimes the tracking information is wayyy off and you get your package before then. But I also know from experience that shipping company's don't focus entirely on you and my package will probably come Monday. Which is completely tormenting me because it's right there.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Okay so I mentioned that I might try and learn both French and Scottish Gaelic at the same time. After today's practice I'm beginning to reconsider my idea. I still want to learn French, but now that I've started chapter three of learning Gaelic things just got real. There is literally FIVE DIFFERENT WAYS to say "am, is, and are." Like, the statement way, the question way, the negative way, the emphatic way, the question form of the emphatic way... Don't get me wrong, I love it. But can't you just use your voice to emphasis something, instead of changing the entire sentence? So yeah, after today I may not learn French just yes. There are still a few things I've learned that I don't quite understand, but I'm getting it. Maybe by this time next year I'll be fluent. ;)

I can officially play the entire song of Noble Maiden Fair on my recorder! Well, technically I'm missing a tiny bit at the beginning, but the tutorial didn't have that part, and I can't make my recorder hit low enough notes to do it myself. But I can play that, a very, very small part of A Window to the Past (from Harry Potter), the beginning of Concerning Hobbits, and the beginning of Magic of Love (by Brunuh Ville). There are a lot of songs I want to learn on recorder, and now that I've learned Noble Maiden Fair maybe I'll start a new one. But which one to choose?

My laptop, which I've already deemed Tommy, will be arriving Monday! Not before the beginning of November, but two days sooner than it originally said! I'm really excited! I remember getting my last laptop, the Dell. Ug. Never buy a Dell. Soon as they're out of warranty they just go downhill; and fast. Considering how terrible of a computer it was, it lasted pretty long though. I pretty much worked it to the ground, trying to make it last until I could afford a new one. I'm so excited! I decided to call the new computer Tommy in honor of Tommy Merlin (he's a fictional character, I know, but I like the name and it fits the computer). This is actually my first time naming something. I have a friend, Morgan, who names pretty much everything she gets (if you ever see this post Morgan, then hi!). Actually, I already have a name picked out for when I get a camera. I want one exactly like Tiana's, but since I'm usually poor (I just got paid, so I'm not now) I haven't gotten it yet. I would name it Chelsea if I ever got one.

Actually I'm not the only one getting a new laptop. One of my friends posted on Facebook the arrival of his new laptop yesterday. And one of my other friends mentioned that he was looking for a new laptop.

I'm in a very fantasy mood right now. Maybe it's because I'm listening to Brunuh and Adrian's music. Their music is perfect for someone writing fantasy. I also feel in a very... horsey-ish mood. I've been pinning horse stuff lately.

I can almost walk normally; now I can put my full weight on my right foot, and I can move it all the way around without any pain. I just can't put those two things together, so I'm still limping around the house a bit.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

How To Train Your Penguin

I finally ordered a laptop! My dad and I did some searching last night, and we ordered it! I'm so excited! It;s not the color I wanted (red, or something cool). It's just black. But that's okay, the computer screen can flip around. Sadly it's not due to arrive until November 5th, and I was hoping to get it before November. They didn't offer two day shipping! Egah! And I didn't have to pay tax, so I could have afforded it too!

Oh, I finally saw How to Train Your Dragon. It was... interesting. I mean, it's just... AWESOME!!! Haha, yeah, I would say it's my new favorite movie. Toothless was awesome. Oh, and Daniel kept calling it How to Train Your Penguin. I dunno why.

Today I got myself a Chase card. Yup, now I'm officially employed and I've got a Chase debit card. I'm epic. :P Unfortunately I can't get the cool Disney cards! What the heck man? It's just because I have a high school account or whatever. That should be why I get a Disney card. Because I'm a kid... er... teen.

So quite a few people I know are learning (or want to learn) French. As it happens I'm in the middle of learning Gaelic, but French is the second language I want to learn. I'm thinking I might try to learn French alongside Gaelic. They seem like different enough languages (imagine learning Irish and Scottish Gaelic at the same time!). I haven't decided if I really will, but I'm considering it. If it gets too hard I'd drop French, and save it for after I'm fluent in Gaelic.

NaNoWriMo is upon us! Ahh, Tiana and I are so excited! We're coming up with all these traditions. I'm going to start a NaNo journal (handwritten of course). Each day I'll write a little about how my writing went, etc. Tiana is going to make a NaNo survival vlog, which I'll post to my blog when it's done. :)

Today, while getting my debit card, I zoned out as I watched somebody standing around. They looked slightly apprehensive, and I couldn't help but wonder why. Then I started imagining them as a character in a book, they were adopted at a young age, and were waiting to meet their real parents/family. But they're stood up- again. I don't quite know why that exact idea entered my mind, but now I've got little ideas running around in my head again. *talking to self* bad timing guys! I can't focus on you now, NaNoWriMo is too important to mess up for you! *back to you* Sorry 'bout that. :P

Monday, October 27, 2014

The Party

The party was Saturday, and it's Monday and I haven't posted about it. But I'm here now to record every detail! Okay, I'm kidding, I'll just give an overview.

The party was great! The turnout was smaller than I thought, but still fun. The skit actually turned out really well. Even though I was off stage and didn't come out except for the final bow I was really nervous. I wanted everything to go right, and I didn't want to mess up! I had to move props around in the dark and cue the lights and stuff. It all turned out well.

Actually, the party started out rough for me. Just after arriving (we were the second ones there) I had to go get my dads coat out of the car. I ran out, grabbed it, jumped out and boom. Twisted ankle. Basically imagine someone hitting your ankle with a hammer. Yeah, you get the picture. Because of my little mishap I was hopping around the entire night, and I missed out on the dancing. I really love dancing too.

There was lots of games, including death hand shake/mafia, signs, and my personal favorite winkum (aaaaand I probably spelled that wrong).

The different costumes were: Rose Tyler for Doctor Who, me as a Whovian, Annabeth from Percy Jackson and the Olymipans (I think that was it), Emma Swan from Once Upon a Time, Tristan from Weeping Willow, Astrid from How to Train Your Dragon 2, a Minion from Despicable Me, an army guy, a girl from the 50's, Monk and Herald from Monk, a cowgirl, and a pirate. I think that covers everybody.

So yeah, that's a bit of an overview of the party. Now on to other random things in my life.

NANOWRIMO!!! Ahhhh, it's so close. I'm really, really excited. Sadly there's almost no chance of me having a new computer before November (I haven't even found one to buy, and shipping alone takes around a week).

I want to write about a gypsy girl during the French Revolution. Okay, that was really random. But I do.

Friday, October 24, 2014

I Wear a Fez Now, Fezzes are Cool

Tomorrow is the costume party. Today I "finished" my costume. I'm going as a Whovian, and what complete Doctor Who nerd outfit is complete without a fez? I made it today, with some help from Tiana since she knows how to sew. I really like it, though there was the problem of it staying on my head... in the end I'm using bobby pins. I wish I could just have it loose, to take on and off, but alas, it would not stay on my head if I did. It's sort of weird wearing a fez, because it's just perched on your head kind of awkwardly. Because of this fez I know own two bobby pins! I've never had any before, but as I said I need them to keep my hat on. I'll especially need it during the bow, since our friends and us are preforming a play. I'm not an actor, but I'm in the final cast call as the producer. Really I'm more of a director/producer. I'm hidden in the back helping with costume changes, directing the lights, etc. It's kind of fun actually. Not that I'd want to pursue it for a career; but still fun.

I've been off of sugar for quite a few months now, and while I don't intend to go back I have cheated a few times. I couldn't help it, I just love candy corn and the Jo Jo's from Trader Joe's were taunting me. So now I've made a calendar to keep track of when I cheat and what I cheat on. This way I wont go back to my full sugar diet, but I can still justify a treat now and again. Especially during the holidays. I love candy corn. Like, I really, really love candy corn. It's amazing. Right up there with pretzel rolls.

Gosh I'm tired. I've been exercising, but Sereina got this Wii game called Just Dance. I've been doing my last two days of exercising on there. You really work up a sweat with that thing. It's awesome because there's a dance for Let it Go. I don't care how many times I listen to that song, I don't think it'll ever be annoying to me. It's just epic!

NaNoWriMo is almost here! Tomorrow will be the one week point (though because Tiana and I are staying up till midnight on Friday you can almost take a day off... you know, because we're not sleeping. Well, we are, but... eh, you know what I mean). The sad thing, as I keep saying, I'm getting really motivated to work on Heart of Fire. Ha, I just had a funny thought that borderlines of terrifying/insane. Trying to write two novels in November. Like you hit par that day, then work on the other until you hit par. You'd have to be crazy to do that. I remember last year, not to scare anybody off or anything, but there were days that Tiana and I hardly left our laptops. Ah, good times... good times.

I shouldn't have eaten all that pizza. I ate over half a pizza... but that's actually the norm now days when we get pizza. I eat gluten free, and so I get one third of each of the two pizzas to myself. That doesn't mean I have to eat them all at once, but hey! I was hungry. What can I say.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

I've Started Exercising! (Again)

I'm really sore and shaky right now because I just finished exercising. Because I lack any strength (seriously, I can't do a pull op or push up) I've started doing pilates. Cassey Ho has a blog and video channel on YouTube, so I've got a workout all planned for me. I remember a while back when I was doing my own routine every other day. I felt really good and I could feel myself getting stronger. But then I just lost my groove and I intend to get back into it. I've been doing it since Monday, and I think today's workout was the funnest.

My hair is extremely big right now. Imagine Merida with brown hair. Yeah. I'm not quite sure why it's so big. It just does this sometimes. I usually have my hair up, because it gets really hot with so much hair, but I have it down now because I'm cold. It's actually pretty nice, I have a portable heater. :P

Today I worked more in learning Gaelic. It's so exciting learning new phrases. I'm almost done with Chapter Two! I wish I knew more people who wanted to learn Gaelic. Tiana is now learning French instead of German, because a few of our friends are learning French, and Sereina, at least used to, want to learn French. There are multiple languages I would like to know, and in this order: Scottish Gaelic, French, Russian. I would learn French with her, but though I don't really have many/any body to speak it to, I want to learn Gaelic first.

Finally, a week has passed and a new episode of Arrow airs tonight! It's hard to believe we're only on episode three! So much has happened. I want to just explode right now...

Looks like we're having another late dinner. Usually we have dinner around four, but it's a little past six and we haven't had dinner yet. Ug. I'm so hungry right now.

I think I shall go work on my Gaelic! I seriously am so excited for when I'm fluent. Or should I say flieanta. ;)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Daniel Wont Leave Me Alone

I am so hungry right now! We're having a late dinner tonight. Fooooood! I need food so badly; I'm so hungry!

In other news, Daniel is currently trying to keep me from typing this blog post, so I'm writing this post with one hand. Now he's plugging my nose. I'm not exactly sure how that's supposed to keep me from writing. Now he's covering my eyes, so I can't see while I'm typing this. It's not too hard, but sometimes my fingers get a little messed up. Great. Now he's plugging my nose. He really doesn't want me to write this post.

Okay, now I can see. Wait, no. I can't. Now I can. I have escaped! ...or not. Now Call Me Maybe is stuck in my head.

Daniel is still holding me captive.  Ohhhh... I have the perfect revenge! Now it is time to attack! He'll never see me coming! Except that he's reading this. So he totally will. Here goes. Actually, I'm not taking my revenge just yet. After all, I can't have him expecting it. Let me just say, be scared Daniel. Be scared.

Monday, October 20, 2014

More on my Favorite Music

I know I've talked about how great Jo Blankenburg is, but this guys music is entirely under appreciated. This guy is a genius and if my music making skills were half his I'd be happy. His music is just so amazing! I can think of no words to describe how epic it is. Not to say Adrian, Brunuh, Axles, or all the others music isn't good. But this guy's a professional. He should do a movie score. He'd be great!

My recorder practice has been going really well now that my hands have started to adjust. From what I can tell my recorder is made for bigger hands or something. I use video tutorials to learn songs, and everybody's fingers are close together while mine aren't. But that's okay, I still love my recorder. I learned the first bit of Noble Maiden Fair and have started to learn the rest by ear. There's just one high note that I can't figure out, so I'll go to the tutorial to see. You know, Magix can record instruments... though it might only record things that can hook up to the program. It seems like mixing a recorder, or any wind instrument, on a piano could be hard. I watch a live play of The Wolf and the Moon by Brunuh, and he'd play the tune of the flute with one hand and the... what did he call it? On the other. The uh... I dunno, but when the flute like... ug, I can't explain it.

I'm so hot right now. Seriously, I should be cold. Though it's not hot outside right now this heat will not leave us. I wish we had a huge freezer room like Costco, then I'd just hang out in there for a bit to cool down.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Really Low Budget

I just got back from an evening with friends. It was fun, we played a few games and talked a bit. It was nice to get out of the house (something that does not occur often, unless you count shopping for food). I'm really hoping we'll be able to get together again sometime soon. :)

In the meantime, as of tomorrow it will be exactly a week until our friends costume party. I've never been a huge fan of dressing up (though that's partially due to that fact that I've never had a costume idea that I absolutely loved). This year since I have no money to buy or make a costume I'm doing something really low budget. It's going to cost like... two dollars. Or something really close to that. I'm going to be buying eye liner! Yes, I can hear the collective gasp in the crowd. My first time buying make up. But this eye liner ain't going on my eyes. I need to be able to write on myself, but I can't use a permanent marker because it wouldn't come off for a few weeks. Any Doctor Who fans will know exactly what I'm doing. Basically I'm going to go as a... well... there's no real name for this costume. You just have to watch Doctor Who. I'm writing tally marks on my arms and face. It's... a long story.

Tonight we're having this new soup we tried last week. It's amazing! It's got bacon and sausage in it, along with potatoes and kale. It's so good!

I'm going to go do research for-

*roughly a half hour later*

Er, uh. Well. I was about to say I'm going to do some research on mythical creatures for my story Heart of Fire. But I got interrupted and had to do some work for my dad. Some more files had been sent in for the property's we're working on. For once the pages we the right way, and not sideways, but still I had to separate the documents!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

More to My Job

So it would seem that Jo Blankenburg (one of my new favorite composers) has had his music featured in film promos for some big movies. His music was featured in a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part 2) promo, as well as How to Train Your Dragon, The Hunger Games, and X-Men: Days of Future Past to name a few. I think that's really awesome! Jo's music is amazing!

Around three months ago my mom found a stable and emailed them, asking if we could volunteer to work around the horses. I was so excited when they emailed back saying they were looking for volunteers! But as I'm coming to know, when someone owns a horse they don't seem to have much time to answer their phone or email. So we didn't go out to their place until today. We wanted to see what was up, since they weren't answering our emails and phone calls. Turns out they've been super busy, and I may not get to volunteer for quite some time since I'd need supervision while working with any of the horses. But I hold hope.

My job has now expanded. One a month I will be taking care of the bills of one of the company's my dad works with. I'm a little apprehensive, I mean I don't want to mess everything up! But after learning everything it entails I think I'll do fine. It'll just take a few times of doing it to know exactly what I'm doing.

Even with NaNoWriMo only fifteen days away I'm letting my mind wander. I have this other story, Heart of Fire, and it's been on my mind for a few days now. It's going to be a historical fantasy based off of fourteenth century Scotland. I'm really excited for that novel, though I haven't decided what approach to take. Halfway through the book my character loses her memory for a bit. So should I start the book right after she wakes up from losing her memory, so the reader is on the exact same page as the character? Or should it start at the beginning, so they know all the characters memories and are hoping desperately that she'll get them back? I probably wont start after she loses her memory, but that would be kind of fun...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Geeky Brothers are Awesome

Last night we finally caught up on Arrow! We've now see season three episode one, and I don't have to worry about all the spoilers I've discovered. Finally! It so exciting, I can't wait to see what happens next! A new character came in the last episode with the name of Ray Palmer (The Atom). Haha, I love having Daniel as a comic fan. If it wasn't for him I would have no idea who that is. It's so fun watching it together, because most of the time Daniel will freak when just a name is mentioned. Like Professor Ivo's boat is called the Amazo (Amazo is a robot created by Ivo which has all the powers and weaknesses of the Justice League of America). Or Daniel saw something about Ferris Air (which has to do with Green Lantern), and Cord Industries (Which has to do with Ted Cord, AKA Blue Beetle). Awesome as it is, I'm still sad at something that happened in the last episode, and of something that is sure to come.

So Kokopelli has always been an awesome cat, but he has this strange thing where if I play my harmonica (that is just make sound out of it, I can't actually play a song) then he'll come running to be and get all purry and cuddly. It's rather ironic, because he's named after Kokopelli, the music God (a God that we do not believe in). But I found out today, while practicing my recorder, that he will come to a recorder too. It's funny, he'll be sleeping and I'll play, his head will shoot up and he'll start purring and he'll come over and start marking his scent on the instrument and he wont stop until I stop playing. He usually ends up jerking the instrument out of my mouth.

I've decided I want to practice a bit of Gaelic today. I keep learning more of the language, and the page I learn it on tests me to see if I can figure out how to say sentences correctly. Lately I've been getting them right, and it's just so fun learning a new language!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

More NaNoWriMo Prep

Tiana and I are deciding on what new NaNoWriMo traditions to start this year. We've got matching NaNo colored mugs that we're going to write the title and year of each of our books on. Every morning last November we would have hot chocolate. But as you may know I don't hardly eat sugar so I've changed to home made chocolate milk (and I can make hot chocolate too, but it takes longer). We're going to stay up until midnight so we can write as soon as possible, and we're planning to pick a special song to play just as the clock strikes midnight. We want to make this special, and we want to start traditions early.

Ow. For some reason my left wrist hurts, and I can think of no reason why. Sure, I did do some lifting when we took a bunch of stuff to our grandpa's basement, but shouldn't it have started hurting right after that, not an hour and a half later?

So my last post was technically this morning (12:42 in the morning). As I said, I couldn't sleep and I got bored so I decided to write a blog post. It was pretty short, and I luckily fell asleep; to wake up a few hours later. Let's just say I didn't sleep well, and so today I'm kind of tired.

I'm so tired. But I'll probably be wide awake and full of energy when I'm supposed to be sleeping. That seems to be how it always works, which isn't very helpful to me. I can't be sleepy during the day and wide awake when I can't do anything. Night is always when I get the urge to clean my room, or write, or something that I just can't do because it's midnight. :P

In Lego Batman 2 Daniel, on his game, unlocked Huntress and Hawk Girl. YAY! Those are two of my favorites, and now we just need to find Black Canary. Too bad they don't have a Green Arrow character, because that would be awesome. Then Daniel could be Green Arrow and I'd be Black Canary. Did you know that in the comics Canary and Arrow got married, and eventually moved to Seattle where they opened a flower shop called Sherwood Florist? Yeah, that's actually pretty awesome. :)

My dad is watching football. This is very strange, just because none of us are very big sports fans (though last year's Superbowl was pretty awesome). He was just shouting at the TV... :/ this is very weird.

Extremely Late Night Ramblings

It's a half hour past midnight and I'm not sleepy at all.

I may have already posted today, but I can't seem to sleep.

That was creepy. Okay, I'm laying in bed (I'm posting this on my phone) and I hear a meow. I sleep with ear plugs and so the sound was muffled, but it sounded like Doji (it was Koko though). Now I'm really sad because I miss Doji and the way he'd lay on me like he didn't want to put his full weight on you because he was too heavy.

Oh look, Sereina will be waking up to get ready for work in two hours. How lovely... I wonder if I'll still be awake. I doubt it. But you never know. My brain went from sleepy to wide awake the second I crawled into bed.

Oooo, an update from my game Commander! And Lilly poked me on Facebook! I guess she can't sleep or someething as well. I think I shall poke her back, then I'll try to sleep again. But we'll see how that goes.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sea of Darkness

Another morning of waking up and going almost immediately to work (more stuff for Trebon). I had to create some things, but had some trouble and ended up doing it today instead.

So I just discovered that Pinterest limits you to three hundred and fifty boards, and one hundred thousand pins and likes. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm definitely a long way from hitting that limit, but if I ever did then I'd have to create an entire new account, and I'm not sure I'd want to do that. Oh well, that problem is not coming anytime soon. ;)

I just discovered what the next Nancy Drew game is (Arglefumph finished his blind play through of Labyrinth of Lies, but I didn't watch it). The next one is is Iceland, and is called Sea of Darkness. Even though the teaser was just a ship crashing into a dock, it looks interesting. I've noticed a theme with the new games: history, history, history. But hey, who doesn't like history?! Okay, I'm sure lots of people don't, but I love history. But I have mixed feelings about all the Nancy Drew games being history related (although I'll admit, Treasure in a Royal Tower is one of the main reasons that got me interested in Marie Antoinette). It seems like all the other games weren't all about history, but come to think of it they totally were. They just weren't as obvious. We'll have to see about this next one though!

I've been posting so often that I actually don't have much more to say... so I'll just be off now...

Friday, October 10, 2014

Me No Like Spoilers

If there is one thing I cannot tolerate, it's spoilers. I just got a huge spoiler from Facebook. I follow the Arrow site, but since we aren't current quite yet I got a spoiler. Now I wont tell you exactly what the spoiler is, but it contained the identity of a character that will die. I am devastated to say the least. Dang, spoilers are the worst!

In complete other news, this morning I did not wake up early at all. The past couple of days I've been waking a little before eight without setting my alarm, but this morning I slept in till nine. My dad came in and woke me up (my dad hardly ever wakes me up) and I had to get straight up and do some work for Trebon. I actually rather like my job, and since I've been learning what to do it's been pretty easy and fun.

I would make this post longer, but I have a list of things that needs doing. School (I know, I haven't done it yet! D:), research for getting a new laptop, finish up doing the laundry, etc. Then if I have spare time I'm going to do some fun stuff. :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Brain is so Rebellious

So now that I'm pretty much obsessed with Lord of the Rings (though I've yet to see the last movie) I've come to appreciate the Piano Guys Lord of the Rings song. It's amazing! I love it so much! Now I want the Lord of the Rings Lego game! Did I mention we finally got a new Wii? I forgot, so I may be repeating myself (it wouldn't be the first time).

I really need to write an apocalyptic story. There's this song by Jo Blankenburg, it's called Hymn to the Apocalypse. It's one of my favorites of his (though I love pretty much all his music). It really gets me in the mood for an apocalyptic story, though I have too many other stories to finish before I can even think about starting a new one. That's why after NaNoWriMo I want to get really serious about writing my stories. That way I can write lots of books. There's this one part of the song that I can imagine a really epic knife fight between my future protagonist and antagonist. Something similar to the knife fight between Cap and Bucky (that is Captain America and The Winter Soldier).

Ug. I was sitting on my feet, and now they're all tingly because I squished all the blood out of them. But they are slowly returning to normal.

Before I started this post I was doing some for my dad. You know, I'm sorta his employee. My official title is Administrative Assistant at Trebon Business Strategies. That just sounds epic, I mean how many fifteen year old's can say that? Well... only me because this is a small business. :P

Do you ever get the urge to sing along to a song that completely lacks lyrics? Yeah, me too. All the time. So I just do a vocal thing along with the tune. It's not quite the same, but it works well enough.

I've been getting inspiration for my story Heart of Fire now! AAAAarrrhhhhggg! Seriously?! SERIOUSLY?! My brain does not want to work with me here! It's side tracking me, and just, argh... I seriously can't wait for NaNoWriMo, so my mind will be totally in Believe, and not every other story I've ever thought of. Then when it's over, THEN and ONLY THEN can I allow myself to work on another story. Gosh, I can't wait until next years NaNoWriMo! :P Actually, between NaNoWriMo there are to Camp NaNo's, where you set your word goal, and you can join a cabin and everything. I did it last year with a goal of fifteen thousand words, which changed to twenty thousand and in the end I only did around eleven thousand words. But that's still good progress on my story! Course now I've been changing that story a lot (I came up with it when I just started to get back into writing, so it's a little weak and cliche).

Tiana just came downstairs (I'm on my dad's computer) and noted my extremely dramatic music. Yes, it most definitely is dramatic. Honestly, that's the way to go. I should add Jo Blankenburgs music to my blog. Maybe add more variety so it's not just Adrian and Brunuh's music. Yeah, I think I'll do that now actually...

*A little later*

What do you think?! I love it! I added a few Piano Guys songs, as well as a quite a few of Jo and Axl's (those are two new composers that I love!). Now my blog just got more epic. Ahhh... feels like home. :P

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Yes, I Like School

For quite some time now I've been wanting to get back to doing my school. I pretty much didn't do it over Summer (because I forgot, not necessarily because I didn't have to). Luckily it isn't that big of a deal, all my school consists of is a little math on an online program, and a little handwriting. Easy, right? But I decided to add a few new things now that I've started school up again. Along with math and writing I've added practicing my Gaelic (or as it would be spelled in Gaelic, Gàidhlig) so I can get better and learn more and then I added music. I currently play piano and now I'm learning/teaching myself the recorder. I decided I need to do these things more regularly (after all, I know a lot of piano songs and I don't want to forget them!).

It might surprise people, but I actually like school. When I say this I'm not saying it's my life, and all I want to do all day is school. I'll even admit, there are days when I flat out don't want to do it, even though it's such a little amount (well... not anymore). But overall I like school. I've been having fun with math (even though I'm so out of practice and have forgotten pretty much everything I learned) and for writing I've started a journal. I try to write a little about an event or two that happened in my day; for Gaelic I either read through my book where I've recorded every word and phrase I've learned, or I learn new words on Mango Languages, or I go through a jar with words and phrases in both Gaelic and English so I can test my memory. Music is funnest though. I'm not learning to read sheet music (I have no interest in that) but I search songs I want to learn, and then I just learn them. Sometimes I play by ear (mostly on piano), but for my recorder I've decided to work on memorizing the different notes, even if I can't read sheet music. Knowing the notes makes learning songs wayyy easier, and I have two charts that are really helpful.

Maybe eventually I'll add creative writing to my list of school work. I would like to get in the habit of writing everyday (or plotting). But I don't want to overwhelm myself with school. I have to remember it's good to take small steps. I'm usually more like "go big or go home!"

NaNoWriMo is getting closer! I'm so excited, and can't wait to start writing Believe! Actually, I'm just excited to write. I really want to start working on my novels more often, but I've refrained for now because I want to be ready for NaNoWriMo. I'm not going to repeat history. :)

You know what's annoying about Chrome Books? You can't type accented letters. On a normal *shoots Chrome book an angry glare* laptop you could press Alt, then then a few numbers; voila! You've got an accented letter. But noooo, Chrome Books go all weird on ya, opening new taps and closing tabs and searching how to make pie and flying off into space! This is why I simply cannot do any work on my story Heart of Fire on this computer. It's a historical fantasy, set in fourteenth century Scotland (or has the general feel of that era) and quite a few characters have accented names, and some of the places too I think.

Remember how I mentioned having gotten a bunch of new clothes from an online site called Thread Up? Well I haven't worn them all yet, but I am wearing this really awesome button up shirt. It's green and blue and really thin; so you don't get hot while wearing it, but it looks really cool. I think it's probably my favorite new piece of clothing. I love them all really. It's so nice having clothes that I feel comfortable in, and can express myself in. Be gone the days were I bough the same exact shirts in the same exact colors and didn't ever where anything else *shudders* I had a terrible fashion sense, and I now have a strong dislike for small plain colors t-shirts.

Oh, Dinners ready (thank goodness, I'm starving! There's nothing to eat in this house!). So I'd better go. Beannachd leibh. ;)

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Up Before the Rest

For reasons unknown to me I have woken up, without an alarm, unusually early. As sad as I am to say this, I usually wake up around nine in the morning. But my brain seems rather active today. I actually like being up early, but... well I think I still prefer night to it. Actually, I'd like everyone to wake up! Remember that recorder I mentioned buying? Well I've wanted one for a while, but I can't exactly practice it while everyone's sleeping. There's no volume on that thing like their is on our keyboard (that is one plus to not having a real piano, you can play whenever you like because you decided the volume). So I've decided to content myself by typing away on my computer, or just doing various things.

I'm reading Elizabeth The Princess Bride right now. So far I like it! It's so exciting that I'm finally starting to complete the book series I want to collect. For the longest time I only owned Cleopatra VII and Elizabeth Tudor. The Cleopatra one is okay, but not one of my absolute favorites. Then one day I got Anastasia and Marie Antoinette. I kid you not, I have read those three (meaning all the ones I own except the Cleopatra one) like a million times. Okay, that's an exaggeration (obviously) but I've read them over and over, one after the other. It just felt like a glimpse into their world. It's what got me so interested in them! I go back and fourth on which historical figure I'm the most interested in. Lately it's been Anastasia and her family. But I feel kind of like learning about Marie Antoinette a little now.

Anybody who knows me well might think it's kind of ironic that I like the story of Marie Antoinette, or more the period she's from. I haven't worn a dress since I was little and I don't like girlish things like make up, nail polish, getting your hair done, dressing up, etc. (Well, I might be interested in dressing up if they were the right kind of outfits). But I like her story and the eccentric period she comes from. Honestly, their fashion was beautiful, but hideous. Dresses so and hair so tall. Good grief, how on earth did they go about a normal life? Well, a normal life for royals/nobles during the late eighteenth century.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I also bought the book Black Star, Bright Dawn by Scott O'Dell. He's one of my favorite authors, and I now own four of his books.

Gah, I still can't believe I own the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy! It's so exciting! I love the boxes they come in! Eeek! It's just epic!

Well, I think I'll continue saving my forum posts from the NaNoWriMo site. They'll be resetting really soon, and I don't want to forget any of the helpful ideas people came up with.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Spending Lots and Lots of Money

So I finally got paid from my half work half training I did with my dad for Trebon. I'm rich. Or should I say was. :P We went out shopping, and I got a lot of awesome stuff. I got the first and fourth book in the Heartland series (for the longest time I've only owned the second and third books), and then I also got one of the royal diaries, Elizabeth the Princess Bride (I've been trying to get it from the library, but they didn't have it and wouldn't but a new one!). I also got a Lego minifigure from the new series that just came out, and two new white camasals! Oh, and my order from Thread Up came, so I have more clothes. Let's see, is that everything I got? Oh yeah, duh, how could I forget? I got the second Harry Potter book (hardcover of course). So now I just need the first and fourth ones! Whoop whoop!

Then today we went garage sale-ing. Oh my word, I got the best deal ever! I got all three of the Lord of the Rings movies (extended edition) in mint condition, for six bucks! I'm so excited, I can't believe I own all the movies now! :D I also got a new Schleich (baby penguins!) and a little figuring of a medieval knight. Then there's my second favorite purchase of the day, a recorder! I've been wanting one for a while, something to mess around with a bit. I'll admit there's a little more to recorders than I thought, but hopefully before long I'll know a few tunes! (I'm currently trying to learn Concerning Hobbits, which is one of my favorite songs from The Fellowship of the Ring).

Oh gosh, how could I forget! I got a steal on the Extint Animals expansion pack for the Zoo Tycoon 2 game! It's a great game where you build a zoo (that's kind of obvious by the title). It's really fun having dinosaurs that can break out of the cages and terrorize the guests (I try not to let that happen though :P).

I think I'm going to practice with my recorder a bit more now. My fingers kind of ach from stretching them so far though (it's a fairly big recorder). It's collapsible and made of a nice wood (it was made in England!). I wonder if the song Noble Maiden Fair or A Window to the Past would be easier? Those are two songs I must learn on my recorder. :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I Love the Library For Many Reasons

OHMYGOSH YISSS!!! Arrow season two came in at the library today, and so we don't have to wait until the eighth of October, but we can starting marathoning today! Yayyayayayayayayayayay!!! Gah, I'm so excited, I mean finally an answer to the HUGE cliff hanger of the last episode! I mean, BARRY! Seriously, that is just epic that BARRY ALLEN is in Arrow! And The Flash starts this Tuesday, and of course Agent's of Shield is on Tuesday! Ahhh, finally, Autumn is the call of getting back into our usual shows! I love being a fangirl. :)

So I've been having fun working on Believe for NaNoWriMo, and I feel pretty confidant. But I've been feeling the urge to work on a different story. I must suppress it, at least during November, because my entire mind must be wrapped entirely around that story. But in the meantime I might work on one of my other stories. True Hero for instance. I'd say out of all my stories it's saddest (or it is in my head anyway). I found this song, which is like, perfect. It's called Say Something (I'm Giving Up on You). Now it's supposed to be a love song (I think) but the words fit quite well for between my two main characters. It just makes me sad, and for some reason helps me understand both Katie and Jade better (those are the main characters names). So I might work on True Hero a bit, but at least the week before November I'll indulge myself wholeheartedly in this story, because I must be in the mood. That's why I try to find lots of music that makes me think of that story, to help the creative juices flow.

I finally finished Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. Gaahhh, it's sooo sad because of all the deaths in that book! But it was still epic, I loved every word of it. Now what do I read? Oh yeah, all those history related books I've started, such as The Time Travelers Guide to Medieval England, The Resurrection of the Romanovs, Castles, Customs, and Kings, etc.

So I've been listening to the Arrow soundtrack a bit lately (I love it so much). I think I've picked out a few of my favorite songs, I Can't Lose You Twice, and Chasing the Hood. Those two are epic. Well, once's epic and one's sad/pretty. I love some of the song names, something about the song name It Is I Who Failed This City just really gets me. I dunno, it's just really sad and like wow Ollie... Gah, Arrow is just really awesome. I kind of like the songs called The Count. It's just kind of a weird song, but kind of cool at the same time.

Guess what? Next year in May Tiana, my mom, some friends, and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera, live! It's Tiana's latest obsession (and by obsession I mean she talks about it everyday and doesn't stop singing and playing the music). I like the overall story, and the music is just inspirational. Though the best things is there's the skit done by three people. Oh. My.Gosh. It's soooo funny! You have to have seen Phantom of the Opera to get most of it, but it's hilarious. Even without having seen it you may still get a chuckle. Here's a link, because you just need to see it:

I have also recently found all the vocal songs of Frozen only it's without the instruments. So basically it's like it would be in real life. It's just epic (though the illusion is a little ruined just because their voices echo slightly like their in a room, even though in that scene their outside). I think Let it Go is my favorite, net to For the First Time in Forever Reprise.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A Major Case of the Feels and Big Spoilers

So I know that I already made a post today, but I had to make a quick one. I just finished watching episode two of season two of Agents of Shield. More importantly I saw a preview for the next episode and *MAJOR SPOILERS* it would seem that Simmons is Hydra or at least evil in general. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!! This cannot be happening! Fitz needs to get better right now and Simmons needs to come back and be good. Aarrrggghhh! This can't be happening! I'm having serious FitzSimmons feels right now!

Tomorrow is the Beginning of October

I was just biting my lip (one of the many bad habits I have) and it's started to bleed. Yay. Blood. :P

Ah yes, I forgot to mention yesterday; after seeing how a friend changed her blog to fall leaves I decided to change my blog to have a more Autumn look as well. I like it a lot better now (I would have had it like this a while ago, but it just wouldn't have fit).

So I've been becoming obsessed with the song Life's Too Short Reprise, from the deleted Frozen soundtrack. I really love the deleted soundtrack (though I don't care for the song You're You). I actually started learning the song on piano. It's harder than I thought it would be. I mean it's not hard, hard, but you have to really stretch your hands at times.

I've been doing a bit of character development for Believe. I have a new character chart, and I just finished filling it out for my main character, Nora. The only thing I'm missing is a flaw. How does the story change her? I'd definitely say that this story is a rough draft, still needs some work. I'm used to really deep plots with battle, and change, and heart break, but this story is quite different than my average story. It's set in the real world, with real people, with real, normal lives. No epic battles, no running across the country (er, well sorta, but no exactly). It's gonna be a rough first draft, but I'll finally be getting it on page.

I think it's going to be rough because I've been adding more guy characters to my stories (I kind of forget about them sometimes, and then all the characters are girls :P). The hard thing though is I don't know how guys things. I don't know how they'd respond to things, how they'd feel, what they'd do, how much they'd care. I know it depends on the guy, but I don't want to make my guy to sensitive/girlish. The guy in this story is the supporting character. He's helping these two girls as they come into contact with ghosts and supernatural beings, he's helping them get through it. But I don't want him to be super soft and caring to the point where he doesn't seem like he'd be tough (cause he's gonna need to be tough. Ghosts aren't exactly always friendly, if you know what I mean).

Really I feel like I have this huge idea in my head, with great characters who change and evolve into greater people; people who go on daring adventures, explore new ideas and life and see the beauty of the world. But once that's on paper what will it look like? Do I need more plot, or a more riveting plot, or am I so used to battles and wars that it only seems simple to me? It's hard to say.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Lots of Shopping

I think I have mentioned on this blog before about my lack of clothing. We don't have money coming in all that steady, and I've been outgrowing all my clothes. It's kind of been a nightmare, because when you're clothes don't fit well then I feel really awkward and uncomfortable. But yesterday all that finally changed. My grandma is here from out of town, and she offered to buy me some much needed clothes (I've literally been wearing the same jeans for months, with washing them of course). Usually when I got shopping we spend the day at the mall (which is one of my least favorite places) and find hardly any, or no clothes that fit/feel good/are in our price range. Yesterday was completely different. We started by doing some online shopping on Thread Up. It's a place that sells barely used clothes (so they're still in almost perfect condition). Sereina got free shipping (I forgot how, something to do with Pinterest I think?) and so I got to go through and I ordered a new jacket, and quite a few shirts! Then we went shopping and I finally found a pair of jeans that look amazing and feel amazing, along with some knee high socks (my favorite) and a camasal. So I pretty much have an entier new wardrobe (except that my shirts aren't here yet). It was also a very good day because my grandma treated us shoppers (my mom, Tiana, grandma, and myself) to lunch at P.F. Changs. Their spicy orange chicken is out of this world! Ohhh, it was sooo good! We hardly ever get to go to Changs, just cause it's kind of expensive and my dad doesn't like it very much. But I love it!

So my day out shopping wasn't so bad after all.

It's almost October! Then it's only a month until NaNoWriMo, and everyone can start entering their novel information on the site! I have so much plotting left to do, but I'm still way more confident than last year. Last year literally all I had to work with was "two girls get caught in a tsunami and end up on a deserted island, but it's not deserted because there's actually a terrorist organization that's going to kill the president." If I wrote fifty thousand words from that then I think I'll make it this year. Gahh, I'm so excited! :D

Kokopelli is laying on my lap, and I'm sitting on the floor, so typing is really hard. I have the Chrome Book on my knees, and the only thing keeping it there are my palms. It's very shaky, but I'm actually doing pretty good. Koko's still depressed. He sleeps at the top of the stairs all the time, like he's waiting for Doji to come through the door. I still hold hope, however slim it may be.

Well, I think I ought to go take a shower. Then I'm going to make myself a big cup of chocolate milk and sit down and wither plot Believe, research supernatural activities, or practice Gaelic. I've been meaning to get serious about learning it. I think I'll practice a little now: Tha mi duilich - I'm sorry. Ciamar a tha thu? - How are you (informal). Tha mi fuar agus fliuch - I am cold and wet. Latha math - Hello (good day). Beannachd leibh - goodbye. Tha mi gu math - I'm well. Madainn vhath - goodmorning (feminine). Oidhche mhath - goodnight (feminine).

Okay, I'm gonna go shower now. Beannachd leibh!

Friday, September 26, 2014


Kokopelli seems to sad this past week. All he ever does is eat then sleep. I know that might sound totally normal for a cat, but it's different. He must really miss Doji. We all do; it's pretty much certain that he's gone now. But I keep hoping he somehow is just far away, and is on the long trek home. In the mean time, Koko is pretty bored. I feel so bad for him.

Plotting for my novel has been going... slow. It's lacking true plot, conflict, you know. The things that make a story what it is. I've been getting good help from the NaNoWriMo forums, thank goodness. People always seem to see the things I can't, and thank goodness for that. I suppose that's why I'm so bad at giving advice, I just don't see those things. Oh, and by saying I'm bad at giving advice, I mean that in a observational way.

Tiana has a strange obsession with cows.

Last night we finally watched The Two Towers! Eeekk, Lord of the Rings is awesome! I think my favorite characters are Frodo, Aragorn, and Legolas. I'm not sure if I like Arwen or not, then there is this blonde girl... I dunno her name. Elwyn or something like that. She's cool. But I'm so excited for the last movie. It's bitter sweet, just cause it's the last movie. But I haven't been watching the extended versions, so there is more waiting for me even after I've seen The Return of the King.

So HISHE came out with The Amazing Spider-Man 2 by the fans. It was really funny, especially the ending. Uggg, I want Gwen back. Actually, there are rumors that in the next Spider-Man movie they are seriously going to bring Gwen back. I really hope they do, even if it's a little cheesy. Or extremely cheesy. I want Gwen back! Gwweeeeeennnnnnn... :( Oh yeah, speaking of Spider-Man, Sereina got the huge Amazing Spider-Man 2 poster from her work and now it's hanging in my room. It's epic!

I'm so excited for NaNoWriMo, as I've said a great many times! Haha, and I'll keep saying it! Actually, it's only four more days until we can start entering information on our novels. I'm so excited! Ahhhh!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season Two

Oh my gosh, how could I have forgotten to post yesterday that it was finally the return of Agents of Shield! Eeekkk! I'm totally fangirling over the latest episode but like. Oh dear. There could be a riot (okay, Tiana and I might riot). Because (minor spoiler that isn't a spoiler if you saw the whole last season and though about the after effects of an event that happened to a certain character) Fitz is not quite... right. After his little episode under the sea, going without oxygen for a while, well... he's not himself. D: It's sooo sad, and I want the good old Fitz back! I can't wait till next Tuesday now, they're going to be the highlight of my week from now on, because Agents of Shield is awesome!

I also forgot (or I forgot that I remembered and I'm repeating myself) that yesterday was the beginning of Autumn. FINALLY! Summer's reign on earth has ended, and rising to power is Autumn! Bring on the pumpkins, let the trees change colors, light the candles and bring the rain! I've been waiting since the end of Winter for this. I basically just live through Spring and Summer and live for Autumn and Winter.

So for my job at Trebon, I think I've finally completed my "training." I'm at least very close. It's hard to say, since I'm still new to the stuff I can't tell just yet. But today I need to write up all my notes on how to do everything. This time I'm going to be flying solo, trying to do as much as I can with very little questions. I have a feeling I'll still be asking quite a few questions, but I'm much better off now.

Zach (my old/new laptop mentioned in another post) is still unable to connect to the internet. I think it's missing something from when we set it up and now I can't do anything. I went into the little closet in my room (more like the place where no man should ever go) but the box with the disks to properly set up the computer wasn't there. All that pain of crawling in the tiny, crammed space, for nothing.

Have you ever love an instrument song, but wanted to sing along? That happens to me a lot. Actually there's probably a reason; a lot of the instrument songs have choirs in the background and I want to chant with them but I don't really know what they're saying (not that they're actually saying anything). Actually, speaking of singing along, yesterday when I took my shower I set up some music. Showering is a lot funner when you have music to sing along to. I mean, I like showering and all, but once I get in I never want to get out; sometimes I'll just stand in the shower to "warm up" and then like ten minuets later I want out but I haven't cleaned my hair yet. :P

NaNoWriMo approaches! Okay, um, I've been saying that in every post I think. But I'm just so excited! It's almost only a month away! Actually... wow. Only three months until 2015. How did that happen? It's funny, because from that perspective it makes the seasons seem like Winter and Autumn are really short and Summer is really long. :/ Anyways, back on topic (sorta). This means it's only three (almost two) months until my birthday. My sweet sixteen birthday. Wow, I'm going to be old enough to get my license. Eh, who cares? But I mean, sixteen? That seems so surreal. I wonder if we'll even be able to do anything for my birthday? Money is still tight, but I'd like to do something special for my sixteenth birthday. I mean, you only turn sixteen once, and it's your sweet sixteen. I dunno exactly why, is it just because you can drive then, or what? Eh, I still got time. I honestly don't even know what I'd want to do anyways. :P

Weellllll, I'm gonna go do some plotting. I'm not entirely sure what to do next in my story though. I know how I want it to end, but I'm not quite sure how to get there yet. It's gonna be a rough, rough draft, but no matter what I can't get any worse than last years (watch me post on November first: It's worse than last years!). :P