
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Up Before the Rest

For reasons unknown to me I have woken up, without an alarm, unusually early. As sad as I am to say this, I usually wake up around nine in the morning. But my brain seems rather active today. I actually like being up early, but... well I think I still prefer night to it. Actually, I'd like everyone to wake up! Remember that recorder I mentioned buying? Well I've wanted one for a while, but I can't exactly practice it while everyone's sleeping. There's no volume on that thing like their is on our keyboard (that is one plus to not having a real piano, you can play whenever you like because you decided the volume). So I've decided to content myself by typing away on my computer, or just doing various things.

I'm reading Elizabeth The Princess Bride right now. So far I like it! It's so exciting that I'm finally starting to complete the book series I want to collect. For the longest time I only owned Cleopatra VII and Elizabeth Tudor. The Cleopatra one is okay, but not one of my absolute favorites. Then one day I got Anastasia and Marie Antoinette. I kid you not, I have read those three (meaning all the ones I own except the Cleopatra one) like a million times. Okay, that's an exaggeration (obviously) but I've read them over and over, one after the other. It just felt like a glimpse into their world. It's what got me so interested in them! I go back and fourth on which historical figure I'm the most interested in. Lately it's been Anastasia and her family. But I feel kind of like learning about Marie Antoinette a little now.

Anybody who knows me well might think it's kind of ironic that I like the story of Marie Antoinette, or more the period she's from. I haven't worn a dress since I was little and I don't like girlish things like make up, nail polish, getting your hair done, dressing up, etc. (Well, I might be interested in dressing up if they were the right kind of outfits). But I like her story and the eccentric period she comes from. Honestly, their fashion was beautiful, but hideous. Dresses so and hair so tall. Good grief, how on earth did they go about a normal life? Well, a normal life for royals/nobles during the late eighteenth century.

I forgot to mention yesterday that I also bought the book Black Star, Bright Dawn by Scott O'Dell. He's one of my favorite authors, and I now own four of his books.

Gah, I still can't believe I own the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy! It's so exciting! I love the boxes they come in! Eeek! It's just epic!

Well, I think I'll continue saving my forum posts from the NaNoWriMo site. They'll be resetting really soon, and I don't want to forget any of the helpful ideas people came up with.

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