
Thursday, October 2, 2014

I Love the Library For Many Reasons

OHMYGOSH YISSS!!! Arrow season two came in at the library today, and so we don't have to wait until the eighth of October, but we can starting marathoning today! Yayyayayayayayayayayay!!! Gah, I'm so excited, I mean finally an answer to the HUGE cliff hanger of the last episode! I mean, BARRY! Seriously, that is just epic that BARRY ALLEN is in Arrow! And The Flash starts this Tuesday, and of course Agent's of Shield is on Tuesday! Ahhh, finally, Autumn is the call of getting back into our usual shows! I love being a fangirl. :)

So I've been having fun working on Believe for NaNoWriMo, and I feel pretty confidant. But I've been feeling the urge to work on a different story. I must suppress it, at least during November, because my entire mind must be wrapped entirely around that story. But in the meantime I might work on one of my other stories. True Hero for instance. I'd say out of all my stories it's saddest (or it is in my head anyway). I found this song, which is like, perfect. It's called Say Something (I'm Giving Up on You). Now it's supposed to be a love song (I think) but the words fit quite well for between my two main characters. It just makes me sad, and for some reason helps me understand both Katie and Jade better (those are the main characters names). So I might work on True Hero a bit, but at least the week before November I'll indulge myself wholeheartedly in this story, because I must be in the mood. That's why I try to find lots of music that makes me think of that story, to help the creative juices flow.

I finally finished Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows. Gaahhh, it's sooo sad because of all the deaths in that book! But it was still epic, I loved every word of it. Now what do I read? Oh yeah, all those history related books I've started, such as The Time Travelers Guide to Medieval England, The Resurrection of the Romanovs, Castles, Customs, and Kings, etc.

So I've been listening to the Arrow soundtrack a bit lately (I love it so much). I think I've picked out a few of my favorite songs, I Can't Lose You Twice, and Chasing the Hood. Those two are epic. Well, once's epic and one's sad/pretty. I love some of the song names, something about the song name It Is I Who Failed This City just really gets me. I dunno, it's just really sad and like wow Ollie... Gah, Arrow is just really awesome. I kind of like the songs called The Count. It's just kind of a weird song, but kind of cool at the same time.

Guess what? Next year in May Tiana, my mom, some friends, and I are going to see Phantom of the Opera, live! It's Tiana's latest obsession (and by obsession I mean she talks about it everyday and doesn't stop singing and playing the music). I like the overall story, and the music is just inspirational. Though the best things is there's the skit done by three people. Oh. My.Gosh. It's soooo funny! You have to have seen Phantom of the Opera to get most of it, but it's hilarious. Even without having seen it you may still get a chuckle. Here's a link, because you just need to see it:

I have also recently found all the vocal songs of Frozen only it's without the instruments. So basically it's like it would be in real life. It's just epic (though the illusion is a little ruined just because their voices echo slightly like their in a room, even though in that scene their outside). I think Let it Go is my favorite, net to For the First Time in Forever Reprise.

1 comment:

  1. Aww yeah!! So pumped for The Flash.
    I love Say Someting! I actually learned it on piano.
