I finally ordered a laptop! My dad and I did some searching last night, and we ordered it! I'm so excited! It;s not the color I wanted (red, or something cool). It's just black. But that's okay, the computer screen can flip around. Sadly it's not due to arrive until November 5th, and I was hoping to get it before November. They didn't offer two day shipping! Egah! And I didn't have to pay tax, so I could have afforded it too!
Oh, I finally saw How to Train Your Dragon. It was... interesting. I mean, it's just... AWESOME!!! Haha, yeah, I would say it's my new favorite movie. Toothless was awesome. Oh, and Daniel kept calling it How to Train Your Penguin. I dunno why.
Today I got myself a Chase card. Yup, now I'm officially employed and I've got a Chase debit card. I'm epic. :P Unfortunately I can't get the cool Disney cards! What the heck man? It's just because I have a high school account or whatever. That should be why I get a Disney card. Because I'm a kid... er... teen.
So quite a few people I know are learning (or want to learn) French. As it happens I'm in the middle of learning Gaelic, but French is the second language I want to learn. I'm thinking I might try to learn French alongside Gaelic. They seem like different enough languages (imagine learning Irish and Scottish Gaelic at the same time!). I haven't decided if I really will, but I'm considering it. If it gets too hard I'd drop French, and save it for after I'm fluent in Gaelic.
NaNoWriMo is upon us! Ahh, Tiana and I are so excited! We're coming up with all these traditions. I'm going to start a NaNo journal (handwritten of course). Each day I'll write a little about how my writing went, etc. Tiana is going to make a NaNo survival vlog, which I'll post to my blog when it's done. :)
Today, while getting my debit card, I zoned out as I watched somebody standing around. They looked slightly apprehensive, and I couldn't help but wonder why. Then I started imagining them as a character in a book, they were adopted at a young age, and were waiting to meet their real parents/family. But they're stood up- again. I don't quite know why that exact idea entered my mind, but now I've got little ideas running around in my head again. *talking to self* bad timing guys! I can't focus on you now, NaNoWriMo is too important to mess up for you! *back to you* Sorry 'bout that. :P
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