
Thursday, September 5, 2013

What I've been up to

I'm back to make another post. As usual I'll say what I've been doing, reading, building with Lego's- OH! I almost forgot, on Sunday I bought a Lego set I've been saving for up for for a couple of months. It's huge and so awesome because its one of the Kingdom's sets, which I'm collecting. It's called Kingdoms Joust.

Here it is! Along with this set I have the Medieval Market Village, Prison Carriage Rescue and Dragon Knight Prison.
Yup, pretty awesome. Because it cost over $75 I got a free Volkswagen mini build, I totally wasn't expecting that!

Yesterday the second episode of the Yoda Chronicles aired. It's been months and I mean literally months, since the last episode.  Kind of weird, but who cares. At lease they're making them. They're so funny, Tiana, Daniel and I love them. :) There's two others, The Padawan Menace and The Empire Strikes Out. They're all like parody's of the Star Wars movies. :)

The last few days I've really been putting effort into one of my stories. Really I've not gotten that far, I just can't seem to find that sweet spot that allows me to write pages and pages non stop. But I will find it, that I know.

I've been listening to music by the Piano Guys lately, their music is so good! I love their song Desert Symphony. So inspirational, I can picture exactly what's going to happen in my book when I listen to it.

Okay, Daniel is whispering everything I write. It's kind of weird. Now he's laughing, and I'm sure he's going to find a spelling mistake soon. He always does. :)

I guess that about sums up what I've been doing lately. Until next time, you'll have to wait. >:-)