
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Kind of Perfect

Yesterday evening it was really hot. Well really it had been hot all day (over eighty degrees at one point), but in the evening we went out and layed in the grass in the backyard. Sereina brought the tablet, so we started watching the newest Nancy Drew game walkthrough by my favorite YouTube channel, Arglephrumph. The newest game is The Shattered Medallion. So far it looks really fun, and I really want to play it. But I will content myself with just watching the walkthrough.

I also started listening to Arglephrumph's fanfiction of Warnings at Waverly Academy (Weirdness at Waverly Academy). That's the twenty first Nancy Drew game. I gotta say, his fan fiction was pretty funny. Nancy was completely out of character, which made it pretty hilarious. I only listed to a little bit though.

So remember how I said when Duolingo gets Irish I'm going to learn Irish Gaelic? Scratch that, I'm leaning Scottish Gaelic. See, I found this sight called Mango Languages; you can learn languages through your library (if they support Mango). Luckily my library does, so voila! I started learning Gaelic a few days ago. I already know quite a few words and phrases, but hardly enough to hold a real conversation! Already I can say hello, how are you, good morning, good evening and afternoon, good night, bad, good, you, self, etc. There's a bit more, but I'm not going to make a complete list.

The other day Daniel and I did a huge, deep clean in our room. It's cleaner than it's ever been. It wasn't even this clean when we first moved down here (into the Dungeon I mean... er, downstairs). It's so nice to be able to walk around my room and not worry about stepping on Legos or other projects. Now we just need to keep it this way.

So I've started reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm just over page one hundred I believe. It's sooo good! Of course that's what I've thought about all the books. :) Actually, out of all the books I'd have to say my favorite so far is either The Prisoner of Azkaban or The Goblet of Fire. Gah, Harry Potter is amazing!

As I said earlier, it's been hot. Too hot. Way too hot. But luckily the heat shouldn't stay too long. I kind of like it when one week it's rainy and wet and cold and overcast, then the next week is sunny and warm, n'stuff. That way you get variety and you don't completely melt or completely freeze. That would be my perfect Summer weather. My perfect Winter weather would be snow. Relentless snow. How cool would that be?

Well, I'd best by on my way. We've got to prepare for tomorrow, it's going to be a long day with friends. So of course we have to make food and make sure we have everything. Then this evening we're going to see some friends we haven't seen for quite some time. So yippe! ;)

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