
Monday, May 12, 2014

Skimming the Surface

So, as you know I've had this blog for... hm, I'm going to go see when I started it. *Random crashing sounds in the background as I stumble through the basement of my blog* Ah, here we go! I started this blog and made my first post on June 2, 2013. That date is coming up. And for anyone who's been with me that long (or more like, whoever's been with me since I started posting regularly) would know that my blog has changed a lot (I like change). But, after looking through some other people's blogs I feel like I've only begun to blog. I'm only skimming the surface of what I could do. For starters, personality. I don't feel like my blog has that much. And what's it's purpose? A journal I guess. I tired to make it like an awesome scrapbook once. I tried to post like, once a week and make my posts really formal with nice pictures n'stuff. As you can probably guess that didn't work out well. I just really feel like there's more I could be doing...

On to another topic while I think in the back of my mind about what I can do to make this blog even more personalized. Two topics: newspapers and Harry Potter. Let's start with my favorite of the two. I am halfway through reading Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I've already seen the first three movies (and I can't wait to watch the fourth!). Harry Potter is just so cool, I love the setting and characters and just... yeah, it's awesome. So I don't want to go overly crazy before I've seen all the movies or read all the books, but let's just say I'm well on my way to becoming a Potter Head (isn't that just a weirdly awesome fandom name?!)

Now for the other topic: papers. I have to deliver papers today. Actually I need to go in a few minutes, so I'm just going to leave this open and finish this post when I get back.


*Some hours later* I'm back! Oh and my feet are killing me! Daniel and I did our paper routes together so I did a bit more walking than usual. I don't know exactly how many miles it was, but it felt like hundreds. Not to mention the heat. It was terrible. Please, give me a good old Washington rainy day! I love rain and all things cold. There are those who would disagree with me, but I honestly do prefer being cold to hot. My perfect day is a day where it's bright, yet the sun isn't exactly out. You can be outside without a jacket, and in short sleeves, and feel great. That is my perfect day. I mean today is fine, a bit hot as I've already pointed out, but I'm glad it's not our everyday weather (then again if it was I'd be used to it and it wouldn't make any difference).

I think I want a camera. No, I don't think, I know. I currently have a very old point and shoot camera. I bought it when I was like... I dunno. I wasn't a teenager yet, I know that much. The quality is... usually bad. What I would like is a camera like Tiana's. Multiple people I know have gotten it and say it's really great (I don't know that much about cameras so I'll have to take their word). It looks like a nice camera and it feels like a nice camera; I've never taken a picture with it though. But there's a problem: I only make twenty two dollars a month. That camera is like four hundred dollars. Yeah, let's do the math here. After sorting it... putting the money in all the budgets... that'd leave me with sixty percent of my monthly pay if I didn't spend any of it; so sixty percent of twenty two is approximately thirteen dollars. Okay, so I get thirteen dollars a month and I need four hundred dollars... let's see... that's 156 dollars in a year... so it would take me approximately three years to save up for that camera. Haha, yeah right.

That was fun. Like, really fun. Gosh, there are times when I really love math. I mean it's not exactly my preferred profession (that would be a millionaire) but it's fun to do for school. Really my school is so easy and simple, it can hardly be called that. I've given myself a few new assignments each week so I can learn more. It's also to help me say diligent with learning Scottish Gaelic (I got this awesome book about Gaelic from the library, but I don't know it's it's Irish Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic, Manx Gaelic, etc.).

Oh yeah, I bought a new Schleich! It's a Bayala riding set. They're technically fairy people, with wings and very... I dunno, fairy-ish outfits. But I think they're pretty and I'm going to pretend they're like actors and trick riders for my own Schleich show. Yes, I'm fifteen and I still play with model animals. But to me it's oh so much more. In any case, the girls name is Lara and her horse's name is Feather. They make my collection go to a grand total of one hundred and thirty two Schleich.

Okay so fair warning, my blog might change. I dunno exactly when or even what remotely what I want it to look like. Let's just say I'm hoping to find a style I like better than this. Mar sin leat.

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