
Monday, April 7, 2014

A Very Nice Day

Ahhhh I'm sooo hot! I have no idea why.

Today has been a really nice day. This morning when Daniel and I went to let the chickens out and take care of them it was so nice, I couldn't stand to stay inside. I quickly got dressed and headed out. I cleared off the back deck and made it a really nice place to be. Then Tiana and Daniel came out and we played Star Wars. Tiana was a jedi master, and Daniel was a padawan. I got to be an awesome bounty hunter with some mad skills too! I was usually on my "rocket boots" meaning I was roller blading the entire time. My feet hurt so bad afterwards, but it was so fun.

Afterwards when Mamma and Daddy left somewhere Tiana had to go inside to prepare some packages to ship. She's been doing really well with her business, Red Berry Supply is booming! I wish I had a business... Oh well, at least I've got a paper route!

Daniel and I headed back into the backyard. We brought out my laptop and listened to music while doing our school. I had to work on Prev for Camp NaNo. I hit par, and so far everything is going well! It's turning out better than I thought. I'm already of chapter two. It's about... six pages in? Roughly around there. So yeah, everything is going so great! Maybe I should work on True Hero soon... I've got a little editing to do on chapter one... or should I just move on? Ug, I really want to edit but I really should move on. I'm going to be stuck at the beginning forever! Ah! Choices...

Then we did some coloring. I did almost an entire page. Of course I always color horses, they're the funnest. And they're the only type of coloring books I have. I always scan the photos in, then print them so I can do the same one over again. Makes one coloring book go a really looooonng way.

You know, I've got this board with all these novel writing tips. I should actually read them. Some of them make sense, while others, not so much. Such as eliminating the word, suddenly, from your writing. Sure, in a few instances it words, but a sentence can usually work without it. If you say suddenly, then the reader is prepared for something to happen, something different, if you know what I mean, Then they aren't quite as excited.

Captain America The Winter Soldier is out, and I can't see it in theaters! Boo. Money actually isn't the problem right now. I mean, sure, I'd need to wait until I got my next check, and I'd need to do quicken. But I could see it. I think. It's just that no one else really wants to see it. Thank goodness Tiana and Daniel will be coming to see The Amazing Spider-Man 2 next month. It's only a month away! A month! Spidey we're gonna see you in theaters!

In case you cannot tell I'm a huge Spider-Man fan. Never ask me if I like the new or old movies better. I can't choose because they are both different and both incredible for different reasons.

I've got a few new superheros favorites! First off I've become a enormous fan of The Birds of Prey! I mean come on! Oracle, Huntress, Lady Black Hawk, Black Canary, Hawk and Dove are in it. I think that's everyone. I'd give you a short bio about everyone, but it would turn into a long bio and then this post would be way too long for anybody's good and you'd be here all night. Hmmm... maybe I should make a superhero blog... no. I'd better not. I've got to many blogs as it is.

Back on topic, I love The Birds of Prey. Daniel was watching Batman The Brave and the Bold, and Canary and Huntress teamed up with Catwoman to help Batman, who thought he was a gangster (it's a long story). Anyways, they ended up having to sing a song about The Birds of Prey, to keep their cover. Sorta. Eh, you had to be there. Well, I like that song now. Actually, when it comes to The Birds of Prey I feel bad for Hawk. He's the only guy in the club. I suppose that's why I like it so much, girl power!

Poor Oracle. She's crippled, she cannot walk. But she has incredible brain power. She like can't forget anything. Her wheel chair is also kind of cool, so it ain't all bad. She was Batgirl at one time. I think she may have been the first one. She's Barbara Gordon Batgirl!

Natsukashii Pronunciation: nats-ka-'shE (nahtzkah-SHEE) - (adj.) of some small thing that brings you suddenly, joyous back to fond memories, not with a wistful longing for what's past, but with an appreciation of the good times.

That is a word I found on Pinterest. I really like that word. It's Japanese and I just really love the meaning. Somehow I must bring that into one of my stories. Although it would have to fit. I have a terrible, terrible tenancy to bring unnecessary things into my stories. Erm, sorta. Like, I mean it could fit, but I just want to cram so much into every story... eh. But yes, Natsukashii is a very cool word. Pinterest is a great place to find interesting words. I've made a board specifically for interesting words and their meanings. It's called, Words are Life. Because to me they kind of are.

Well, it's late. I'm either going to have to go to bed, or I'll watch a short show, then go to bed.

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