
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wiritng, Music, History, Nice Day, Ahh!

Ahhh my gosh I have way to many options of what I should do today! My MIDI-USB cable finally arrived, so I can hook the keyboard up to my laptop and start composing with more ease than before! Yet I'm having inspiration for Prev. so I should do that and yet I really, really want to start a new blog, which I will link to MAE history, for the collection of info on Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov(a). (I don't think I actually figured that out. Botheration!) And now today is shaping up to be a nice day out, and it has the potential of being a, I have to be outside all day kind of day. Okay, time to organize my thoughts here.

I cannot compose outside simply because I cannot bring the keyboard outside. But the MIDI-USB arrived and I haven't used it yet! But the history, it calls to me! Oh! My library got in The Diary of Olga Romanov! Yes, yes, yes! I can't wait until I can pick it up! I want it now! Ug. Guess I'll have to wait.

Oh, there should be a new post on the, The George Brothers, soon. I wrote a post, and it just needs a little tweaking before it goes out in public. So yeah, that's exciting.

I forgot how much I love the song, King of the North. The drums are awesome, and the parts with the vocals sound really nice. Overall I really like this song! I can't wait till I compose something like this... arg, I need to compose. Write. Compose. Write. Compose. History! Arg. Decisions.

So we finally got food. Thank goodness. I sorta had a meltdown the other night because we had so little to eat and I couldn't eat half of that! For those you you know don't know, I am allergic to gluten, so that makes my options limited. On top of that I'm not eating any refined sugars this entire month. I already slipped on accident a few times, so I determined not to again! So I can't have any bread, or ketchup, or mayonnaise, etc. I can't eat most food. So I have a lot of smoothies and yogurt. I try and fit in vegetables and of course there's dinner. Actually I'm really glad I'm doing this. It's helping me to not snack as much, since I can't have pretzels, they have sugar in them. I have a tenancy to snack all the live long day. This, so far, is helping me to not eat as much. Which is good, cause I know I was eating a little too much before.

Oh, another thing I could do. Two actually. I should read! I got The False Prince from the library, and I'm also listening to an audio book, Keeper of the Grail. I should read those. But I also printed out the some of Aesop's Fables. Among those is the original story of The Snow Queen! I want to read that! I just read the original stories of Cinderella, Little Snow-White, and Rapunzel. They are actually kind of violent. Gruesome at the least. Of course I've seen worse on television, but somehow reading about it makes it a little worse. Sometimes. It depends on how it's written. These were not too bad. So yes, what to read!

Erm, I said two things I could do... what was the second one? Okay... okay, I'm going to remember this... ah! Post pictures on my bedroom wall! I printed out a bunch of pictures related to a bunch of my stories, and now I'm taping them to the bit of wall behind my bed. I'm making my "special place" because I got pictures and then I can set up some speakers and listen to music or audio books and since it's a bunk bed I can hand a blanket up and make it into a small fort! The only downside, I got an arm bed. Hehe, sorta. Not really. I just can't sit up. I'm still kind of wish I could have a taller bed. Especially since I spend so much more time on my bed now. Oh well, I can't have it all, can I?

I should write a book review! Arg, to many things to do! I can't decide whether this is glorious or lecherous! There just isn't enough time in the day to do everything! Okay, here's the plan. I have to hit par, so writing takes priority. The MIDI cable is new, so that should also take priority. But! Should it become nice outside then I should bring my laptop outside and alternate between playing, possibly listening to an audio book, and writing or working on MAE history. Yes, that sounds like a good plan. I want to try and be outside in the least, even if I'm still on my computer. Although I'll try and do other things, a lot of my projects have to do with the computer.

It's almost ten. I want to eat. Haha, see what I mean? But I could. Hmmm... I could write, hit par, and then make music for a little bit before or after I eat. Ah, too many options! Okay, I'm going to write now. Lets... lets just do that. Okay. Good. Breath. Write.

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