
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

For the Win!

I did it! Today I hit 50,053 words on my novel, Believe! I have officially won NaNoWriMo for my second year in a row! Yeah!

I'm really glad to be finished. Don't get me wrong, I loved every second of it. But I wrote 6,000 words today. My neck is still stiff from sitting at the computer for so long. But I did it! This story was one of my less plotted novels, so I have a much better idea of where I want this book to go. So while I will actually take advantage of the free paperback copies this year, this will definitely not be my finished manuscript. I'm going to have to re-write the whole thing, but that's okay. :) I'll definitely take a break form this story though. Having it be the only one in ym thought process for one whole month is tough. Usually I drift between novels, so this was kind of tough.

Now I may take a bit of a break, considering Thanksgiving, Black Friday, etc. but starting December 1st, or sooner, I will try and write 500 words a day. In this way I will create a habit of writing every day so I can write the many stories in my head, but I don't use all my time writing. I either write, or I don't. There's no in between. I want to change that. The thing is, I can't decide which novel to write. One with less plot, or more? Heart of Fire and The Shadow have the most plot. Prev. takes second/third, and the rest tie for last. Because of the fan art I want to do True Hero, and I might. Argh, I just can't decide!

My novel ended up being 80 pages long. That may seem like a lot, but that is actually a very, very small book. I can only imagine how many words the Harry Potter books much be!

Oh yes, and my Facebook account was "hacked" by a friend. Technically Tiana did it, but my friend Matt left a message for me. It was pretty funny. Matt if you happen to read this (for some odd reason since no one really reads my blog anyways) watch out. I'm plotting my revenge, and I will not rest until it has been fulfilled! >:D

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