
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hello Friends

I was just thinking, I haven't been posting as regularly. Of course I still post ten times as much as a normal blogger, but I've missed a day or two this week. Not that I'm trying to post everyday, I just post because I feel like it. Maybe it's because a lot has been going on, or not that much. It's hard to say, I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. Mentally planning my next big build. See, I love model building. I never thought about that until recently, when I was mentally planning. Back on topic, I've been thinking about my next build, a town, based upon the town in Petz Horsez 2, the computer game. The town is so beautiful, the colors and the materials, arches and bridges, streams and waterfalls, the mystery and elegance. That's what I'm going to try and capture in my model building. I'm going to make it to scale of my Schleich people, so I can have them live there. But first I need to learn a bit more about building to scale. I just wish the models were to scale, the cats are half as tall as humans, and the dogs reach almost to the humans shoulders! Well, except the newest ones, Schleich has been doing a better job at that.

Today is my oldest sister, Sereina's, brithday! Happy birthday Sereina! I can't believe that you're two decades old, twenty years old! Seems like just yesterday when we were filming our at home Summer Olympics, jumping from the couch for diving n'all. Of course that was years ago.

I have read the entire book, I have finished Catching Fire. Now to wait for Mockingjay from the library, and that could be a while.

We watched Agents of Shield last night. OH. MY. GOSH. Marvel is incredible, it's just... ahhhh!!! I could scream, it's sooo good. Like, they are revealing important information in each episode, we're learning more and more, yet everytime we learn something new, the plot thickens! This show, in one season, is driving me to the point of insanity! Okay, I'm totally kidding, I'm not going insane. But I aspire to be as good at telling stories as they are, as good as thickening the plot and drawing it out as they are. Because they're doing a pretty darn good job at it.

I'm still waiting for Insurgent from the library. The second book in the Divergent trilogy. Actually, is the the Divergent trilogy, or does it have a name? Kind of like Hunger Games, is it the Hunger Games trilogy, or... I don't know, does it have a name? Just something about calling the trilogy after the first book doesn't seem quite right. It needs a name!

Right after I wrote that I thought about the quote, "She had a name!" from the forth Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Gotta say, that movie was a disappointment, Black Beard was not scary. Personally I like the second two, for the villain, because of Davy's back story. His love for Calypso, the sea goddess, but the tragedy... yeah, definitely better. Sure, they had two movies to tell it all, instead of one, but even so, it could have been better.

Cottage cheese, yesterday while shopping we bought cottage cheese. I think that's how you spell it, that's how you say it. I never really paid that much attention to the container. But I love it, especially with pineapple inside. Ah, it's so good. Although not as good as a pretzel roll. I'm still craving one of those.

Yesterday daddy bought ice cream, and it was just too hard to resist eating some. I'm really trying to cut back on sugar, I doubt I'll go sugar free like Sereina, at least any time soon, but I'm trying to cut back. In the end I couldn't help myself, so I had a spoonful of each flavor, rocky road and french vanilla. I'm going to try my best to not eat any more ice cream, for as long as it's in the house. Luckily soda makes me feel sick now, so it's not as tempting as before. That's a half good half bad thing. Ewww, now I'm thinking about when I got sick from the soda, I remember the stomach aches all too well.

I mean not have succeeded, but from now on I'm going to try and make my blog posts more clear. For being a writer you'd think my blog would be more understandable... so from now on, although I wont write in advanced, I will take more to check for mistakes and make things more clear. Reading back I see that my sentences can be choppy and confusing and just horrid... So today marks the end of bad posts! (I hope).

Guess what? I got an entire album of music, by Adrian von Ziegler, for free! See, he's become quite popular, so whenever one of his songs reached one million views on YouTube, he gives it away for free. For twenty four hours that is, only this time it was a four hour compilation of his album, Mortualia. I'd never head the songs, they were under the category of emotional. Usually I listen to his fantasy songs, I especially enjoy a few certain songs from his album Feather and Skull. The cover art for some of his albums are interesting, some cool, some more like, eh. The names? Well, I'm not overly fond of the name Feather and Skull, but it's not bad or anything. I just really love his music.

Not that I don't enjoy the music on my blog, I really do, but I feel in the mood for Adrian and Brunuh's music. Along with a few others, but mainly them. Someone should hire them to do movie soundtracks, because their music is pretty darn awesome. No, it's incredible! :) Their music is just awesome.

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