
Monday, March 10, 2014

Long Time No See

It feels like I haven't posted for along time... four days can be a long time. Wait, four days? Four days without posting? Wow, no wonder I feel as though I haven't posted in a while. In any case, it's good to be typing again. It helps my fingers to relax, although I do admit that at times it's not as relaxing. But as of the moment it is.

Let's see, what have I been doing lately? In other words, what have I been doing the last four days? Good question. My mind is drawing a blank here... what have I done? Oh yeah, we celebrated Sereina's birthday on Saturday. She wanted to go to the library (yay!), Half Price Books (yay!), the mall (eh), and Trader Joes (yay-ish!). While at the library, we went to a different, larger one, Tiana spotted Mockingjay and Allegiant sitting on the shelf. I'm on hold for those! Seriously? I'm waiting and here are some copies, just waiting for someone to pick up and read. It's crazy. Sadly it was Allegiant instead of Insurgent, the second book in the Divergent series. I read the first sentence. Oops, bad idea. Like, really bad idea. I hope I get the second book in soon, so I can read the third. I only got it because I'm somewhere are two hundred on the waiting list.

About Mockingjay. Let's just say I'm not impressed so far. Whenever the book starts to get sorta interesting it's just a memory, them bam! I'm back to Katniss, in real time. I haven't made much progress on it within the last few days, who knows how long it'll take me to read the book. Or if I'll even finish it. Like some great person once said, "I don't waste my time reading books I don't like." Well said person, well said.

Today I exercised, but to be honest I was out of sync. First of I convinced Tiana to run with me, so we ran around the neighborhood. But I don't have running shoes, so my ankles began to hurt and we walked the rest of the way. Surprisingly we did roughly one and a half miles in twenty three minuets or so. That's my record... seriously? How did that happen, we were walking. Back on topic, when we got home we took a little break, I got a little snack, and by the time I got to crunches n'stuff I was tired and no longer warm from our walk. I stretched and started exercising, but I just felt out of it, I couldn't do the crunches correctly and I was just ready to be done. Overall I'd have to say, I prefer running indoors, it just works better. Besides, I didn't sweat as much since it was cold outside. Sweat has just become apart of the routine, it doesn't feel complete without it.

Daylight savings. Why do we even have it? All it does is get our brains out of order, either "giving" or "taking" away one hour of sleep from us. Since it's Spring, we lost an hour, so I just feel out of whack. Actually, some place,s like Arizona and Hawaii, don't even do Daylight savings? They don't get deprived of sleep! Well, you sorta do, and you sorta don't. You know what I mean. I think there might even be some countries that don't do it, but I'm no expert so I won't got pointing fingers at the ones I think do it.

I would have talked about daylight savings a lot more, had I posted yesterday. But I didn't, so you just have that nice little paragraph.

Summer is coming. I'm not sure what to think. Is this a good thing, or a bad thing? Hard to say. In Summer you go outside, and to go outside you have to get dressed. But I don't want to abandon my pajama pants! I love them, they're more comfy than any pair of jeans could ever be! Huh, maybe someday I'll just get yoga pants to live in. They're closer to pajama pants, and acceptable in public. But it's not the same, pajama pants are baggy and... plaid. Yes, my pajama pants are plaid, my new ones with the pockets, and my old red ones with the hole in it. On the good side, I can get wet (if the weather decided to get warmer) and I can roller-blade.

Adrian von Ziegler released sheet music for his song I Need You. It's a very pretty song he wrote for Carina. Now get this straight, I have no idea how to read sheet music. But I think I'll be able to make a very rough translation. There's an easy version, and the actual song, and for the most part it looks (and sounds) pretty easy. Of course I don't know what every little do-dad on the sheets means, so we'll see. Maybe I'll do a mix of listening to the song and translating the sheet. Yeah, that sounds like it could work...

I was looking for a MIDI-USB, but we don't have any! Daddy was sure we did, but I looked though both wire boxes and couldn't find any. He said he thinks we have another box. Where that box might be, remains a mystery.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?? That's all it gets, a Yay-ish! Trader Joes is not just a Yay-ish place, it is a place with memories, and butterfly kisses, unicorns and happiness!!

    That's too bad that you don't like Mockingjay, then again I haven't read it for a while, so I might have remembered it wrong. I don't know.

    I gotcha on that not leaving the good ol' PJ's. I mean, how do you think they feel if we stop spending as much time with them? They might get sad...
