
Friday, October 17, 2014

Really Low Budget

I just got back from an evening with friends. It was fun, we played a few games and talked a bit. It was nice to get out of the house (something that does not occur often, unless you count shopping for food). I'm really hoping we'll be able to get together again sometime soon. :)

In the meantime, as of tomorrow it will be exactly a week until our friends costume party. I've never been a huge fan of dressing up (though that's partially due to that fact that I've never had a costume idea that I absolutely loved). This year since I have no money to buy or make a costume I'm doing something really low budget. It's going to cost like... two dollars. Or something really close to that. I'm going to be buying eye liner! Yes, I can hear the collective gasp in the crowd. My first time buying make up. But this eye liner ain't going on my eyes. I need to be able to write on myself, but I can't use a permanent marker because it wouldn't come off for a few weeks. Any Doctor Who fans will know exactly what I'm doing. Basically I'm going to go as a... well... there's no real name for this costume. You just have to watch Doctor Who. I'm writing tally marks on my arms and face. It's... a long story.

Tonight we're having this new soup we tried last week. It's amazing! It's got bacon and sausage in it, along with potatoes and kale. It's so good!

I'm going to go do research for-

*roughly a half hour later*

Er, uh. Well. I was about to say I'm going to do some research on mythical creatures for my story Heart of Fire. But I got interrupted and had to do some work for my dad. Some more files had been sent in for the property's we're working on. For once the pages we the right way, and not sideways, but still I had to separate the documents!

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