
Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Well I got time to kill. I think. See, I'm waiting a little while before exercising. I aim to do it regularly, so today's my day again. I figure I might want to wait a little while after eating. People are always talking about digesting after they eat, so they don't want to run. I've never really thought it was a big deal, unless I go and eat until I feel tired and don't want to move. But I try not to do that with company, that way I'm full of energy and not a bore.

So I've been reading Divergent. Yesterday, the day I got it, I read 156 pages. Yeah, I know, that's a lot for one day, but I was tired so I just curled up in bed and read a bunch. So far the book is really good, I wish it challenged my reading a bit more though, that part is disappointing. Apparently most modern books don't challenge the reader. That's sad, I like more of a challenge. Oh well, the story is awesome! There are five factions in this large city and I've been trying to decide what one I'd be in. Not Dauntless, they're brave and fearless. Haha, not me. Candor always tell the truth, so I suppose I could be one of them, but I wouldn't want to. They seem boring, always wearing black and white. Abnegation would be really boring, because they're completely selfless, hardly ever able to see yourself in the mirror, always thinking of others. Not that that's bad, but in the book they take it to the extreme. Erudite, the intelligent. I suppose I could be apart of their faction, maybe. I mean I think I'm fairly smart, but I'm no whiz kid. Oh yes, did I mention in the book you choose what faction you stay in when your sixteen, after a test. I'm only fifteen, so if I lived in the book I'd still have a year. Until then I would like in whatever faction I was born into. Gosh, it's fun thinking about what my life might be like if I lived in the book Divergent. It suppose o be in the future. I'm suspicious about it, like a certain part. It's really peaked my curiosity, but I'll talk about that some other time. Finally the last faction, Amity, the peaceful. I'd want to be with them, farm life, just fun and harmony. Yup, that'd be where I'd be. You know it took me forever to finally remember which faction is which. I had to use the book to remember them all just now.

I love the song, Something I want, from the credits of Tangled. Just the up beat feel, it's perfect. Not rock and roll, but it's got a great beat to it. I wish Frozen had a more upbeat song... well besides Love is an Open Door. Am I weird to continually turn up the volume on my MP3? I just love to really get the best sound, so you can hear every little bit. It's surprising the amount of the song you can miss when you don't listen to it loudly. It makes the song more stunning. Well... sometimes. ;) Also, is it weird that I still use an old MP3 when I've got an old phone? No, actually. I need a micro SD card in my phone to use music and I need that for my camera. I suppose there's Google Cloud or something like that, but I prefer getting my money's worth outta this old thing while I can. So what if the sounds wheel messes up sometimes, making it harder to adjust the volume? It's good enough for me.

So I need to do more book reviews. I was super excited, then I got busy. Maybe I'll do Falcon in the Glass next, or Shadow Horse and Whirlwind. Both great horse books, and they go together. You know, finding good horse books is hard. Most of them are really cheesy, like, oh no, the horse reared! We have to prove the horses innocent. For Peat's sake that's part of having a horse! Yeah, because I know a fair amount about horses more horse books are ruined for me. Not like some people, cause other people know more, but somethings drive me nuts!

Ever thought about that phrase? Drives me nuts. I mean when you really think about it that sentence makes no sense. It's weird, these phrases. Well, sometimes. Well, most of the time. Well... eh, just depends.

So yeah, most of yesterday was shopping in the morning, then reading Divergent. We started watching The Amazing Spider-Man last night, but got tired. I love that movie, but I love the originals. Don't ask me to compare them, it's impossible. It's like someone asking what my favorite Star Wars movie is. Seriously? You can't choose, although episode one is out. :P It's also like someone asking what my favorite book is. I don't have a favorite book. I HAVE HUNDREDS!!!

I've pretty much-ly given up on trying to read the Chinese or tribal Royal Diaries. They're just not like the others. So I'll stick to the good old ones. Good old Mary, and Marie, and Anastasia, and Elizabeth, and Elizabeth. There are two Elizabeth diaries, but I think their names are spelled differently. One is Elizabeth Tudor, this other is some other per... Oh. My. Gosh. Was she? I gotta look this up. Okay, false alarm. It wasn't about Empress Elizabeth. Oh yes, although one good Royal Diary is Jahanara. It's the one good one that's not about a Scottish, English, or French princess. Well, technically Marie Antoinette was Austrian, but those cover the main countries. Well, then there's Russia and... not Germany. What was is, ah yes! Spain. I can't think of any others. But as long as it's not tribal or Chinese then the books is good.

Well, I guess I should get ready to jog. I'll start at eleven, watch an episode of The Dick Van Dike Show while I do it. Or I could read Divergent while I run. We'll see. Maybe I'll watch something different. But I won't just listen to music. It drags on in that way. One day, short after seeing Frozen in theaters, I listened to the music while exercising. Tiana bought it the day we saw it, she bought it before we saw it! But yeah, it's better to find something to take your mind off of it more. This time I'll set the machine to tell me how far I run.

I need to watch Tangled sometimes. With all the amazingness of Frozen I forget how good the movie is. I still think it's not fair to compare the two because they're so different in ways. But in the end I think I like Frozen better. ;)

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