
Sunday, February 23, 2014

The Best Memories

It's Sunday. Need I say more? Do you know what I call Sunday sometimes? Pre-Monday. Because that's exactly what it is. And why, exactly, is everyone obsessed with Friday, and not Saturday? Beats me.

So I was pinning, on Pinterest, when I say someones name. Yeah, I just pinned a pin, then a related board popped up and it had the name Moriah. That's such a unique name, I just had to write it down. So now for The Shadow, one of my story ideas, the main characters name is no longer Elaine, but now she is Moriah. I think the name fits way better. Yeah, just thought I'd share that.

Today I was going through my dad's files on the link station, looking through all the old programs. There are so many old memories in those, I'd even forgot about a few until we found them! But something devastating has arisen, Esheep will no work on Windows 7! This is a disaster! May I say, if I meet someone who knows what that is, I might fall over. Or be as stunned as I was when I met someone who's played The Neverhood. These old little games are one, ancient, and rare. I think. All I know is they have so many memories. Maybe I'll figure out how to record myself and show you guys all the great old stuff I did as a young girl. Having computers all my life makes doing some things easier, but finding a screen capture program? Haha, nope. So I may never be able to do that. We can always hope. Lets see, there was Hot Dog Toss, and an old favorite, Draggable Dan. Then there's Snowball Fight. I'm still really bad at that game, then there's Chips. That doesn't work on Windows 7 either, and I love that game! Then there's maim games. We have so many old arcade games, some day we're going to build our own master arcade machine, with all the games. One game, Pitfall, is so much fun. I made it to the throne room! The end! Then I died. Typical.

I like the music on my blog. Actually I've become slightly obsessed with the music from Brave now. Of course it's all amazing, but I go in and out of obsessions with things. Like one week I'll be writing all day every day, next I'm doing everything Schleich, or I'll just draw for a couple of weeks. So I'm usually immersed in one thing, and right now music and reading is my top priority. I haven't been writing as much, I should do that.

Tomorrow is Monday. Hence me calling today Pre-Monday, but that means I exercise. I was talking with my mom and I'm determined to come up with a full body workout. I mean I get the main area's right now, but I want my entire body to be nice and fit. So yeah, I was to find a chart of the human body or something, then isolate each muscle and an exercise that I'd have to do to strengthen it. Yeah, easier said than done. In the mean time I'll continue with what I do. But I'm turning the elliptical back to setting three. The fourth setting is just to hard if I want to beat my record.

Okay, the song Harriet Jones, Prime Minister, is playing. Now I want to listen to The Amazing Spider-Man soundtrack. It sounds like one of the songs from that soundtrack and I love it! Especially Saving New York, I've mapped out the entire climax of one of my stories in my head to that song. Of course it goes a bit to fast in the song, but they escape the prison, they run, but she's there. The traitor, waiting to stop them. Oh and she pleads, tells her everything and her eyes soften. Only later will she know the truth. Then they leave in a great struggle but the dragons end up fighting. They fight to the death, but the wrong side is winning. But wait, back up! They're winning, wait what? No! What, what? Oh! She did it! They won! Cheers all around. Or wait. Cries of alarm and anger? No! Don't leave!

Okay that was really confusing. Only to my mind would it make a spec of sense, but that's the basic gist of the climax to Prev. It'll make more sense in the book, if I ever write it. Oh wait, I'm going to write the first draft of that for Camp Nanowrimo. I almost forgot. Actually I need to prepare for that a bit more, even though I know what I want to happen, for the most part. There are more blanks that filled in parts. Bummer.

Well, I'm gonna wrap up this post. Oh gee. I haven' made any progress in learning Ogham since I started. No problem, I weave in and out of interests, I'll soon weave in again.

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