
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Odysseo, the Incredible Show

Odysseo was amazing! Turns out the bit we saw was only a short bit, for the press. So we got to see the show (part of it at least) before many other people had. It was so cool, there were so many performers and the guy at the beginning said there were 66 horses. That's a lot. I tried to take pictures, but my camera isn't very good and the lighting wasn't the best. But I'll show a few moderately good pictures.

So this first picture was during the beginning act. I know, it's not very good quality. But it's one of the best pictures of the bunch. There were guys holding poles and then both men and woman rode the horses over. Their costumes looked like gypsies, it was so cool. There were also guys with those things you put on your feet, to make yourself jump really high. Also, in the very beginning a bunch of guys were just doing back hand springs and back flips and jumping on each other. This would actually be my dream job, now that I think of it. The horse parts, maybe not jumping and doing crazy stunts. Unless they were on horses, maybe then.
Unfortunately this is the best picture I could get of this part of the show. The rest were really grainy, but mostly blurry. This part was so cool, this girl started in the middle of the arena, just sitting there while all those horses galloped around her. Then she got up and began to interact with them. It's so hard to explain, but it was just so amazing. At one point they horses moved with her in a large circle, all of the horses side by side, while she walked near the middle. It was just, awesome.

In this act a carousel wheeled down from the ceiling and people started doing some pretty incredible stuff. They were climbing these poles and just doing things that would require such an amount of strength. In a way it was like magic, but of course it wasn't. All the music and singing was live, and in this act the singer came down, she's the girl that you can see on the carousel. This picture doesn't show any of the intricate things they did, but most of the time there were men and woman hanging off the poles that the carousel horses are hooked up to.

 The end of the show was by far the best. You'll notice the watery background that they displayed on the screen. Well at first there was only one silhouette, a woman on her horse. They just pranced there as water filled the stage below the hill. Yes, there was a hill in the arena. Water filled below, then other riders came around, but they didn't go into the water. That's where the next picture comes in.
 This was the best picture, but the rider then proceeded to lead her horse into the water, pictured below, and pranced around in it. Her dress was really long, so it hung around the horse and got completely soaked. But she just pranced around, then raced around in the water. They used lights to make the water an incredible color of blue, it looked magical.
 I'm so glad I got the picture below. In case you can't tell, since I was zoomed out, the horse it rearing. That was pretty awesome. They the riders rode around in the water and it was just so cool. The music was really beautiful, and it was even more awesome being there, then just looking at the picture. About half way through the show we all started to wish that we'd chosen a closer seat, for better pictures. At least I know that for if I ever got to it again. It I could I would see it again. The drawing is over, so my dad didn't win the tickets.

Here's a picture of everyone from the show. At least I think it's everyone, it should be. In the end it was totally awesome going to this show, even though most of my pictures didn't turn out. I'm glad I brought my camera, I almost didn't. Along with these pictures I've got some video. I videoed one of the entire acts, I think it might have been the one in which one of the girl riders dropped her silk banner. Even so, it was all breath taking and I really wish I could see it again. I'll post the video here, when I finally figure out how to make it work. So for now, enjoy the pictures.

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