
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Life's Too Short!

So I think the current design of my blog is here to stay! It's changed quite drastically, but I like it. More color, that's what it always needed. More pop and flair. The new music is good too, they're all soundtracks. Oh! You have to check out the two Frozen deleted songs I found! They're really cool, although I'm glad they cut them from the movie. Now my blog represents myself better, although I'll be working on an even better background. That will come in a long time though.

I wrote two more book reviews, one for the Hunger Games and the other for Riding Freedom. Now that I think of it, I've been doing a horrible job at keeping up with that. I should be doing two a day, considering how many books I have read and will read. Yeah, I really need to keep up with that now.

I'm really hot... I'm going to go put my pajama shirt back on AKA a baggy old Historic Flight shirt I got from volunteering. ...ahh, much better. I'm wearing the tie-dye one. Apparently the workers and volunteers didn't stand out enough before, so they gave everyone tie-dye shirts to stand out.

We watched two episodes of Doctor Who today. It's just awesome, I wish the Doctor was real. We'd be best buddies, flying through time and space, headed off in adventures. Then I could return home and only a few seconds would have passed. If I could travel in time I'd go directly to the court of King Henry VIII or Elizabeth I. Well, maybe not Elizabeth. The Doctor had a bit of a row with her, so they aren't exactly friends.

I'v got things to do, so todays post is short. So go do good things with your life. Hmmm, maybe I should end all my posts with inspirational quotes. ...Nah.

One more thing though, we're taking care of the neighbors cats while they're in Hawaii. There's Sophie, the cat who's always hiding under the downstairs bed, and Loki. Yes, Loki, the God of Mischief. What a fitting name for a cat.

...I know, I said I was going, and this happens to often. But the title is that because of two things, it's one of the deleted Frozen song names, and because this post is short because I want to go do stuff. Ha! Who's have thought we'd see the day, the day I don't want to write a really long post. That's a first... sorta. Okay, not really. Ooo look, I can scroll now. That means this post is longer than I intended. How interesting.

Don't my titles seem like nonsense most of the time? Huh, you can imagine my book titles.

1 comment:

  1. I really like Life's Too Short.

    All these mentions to Doctor Who are driving me nuts. :D
