
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Blogger and Music

Well, I've decided that I'll take a small break from my mass amount of computer work. No, I haven't been writing. I've been working on my blog. Now you might say, nothings changed, and in fact that's true. Nothing has changed since I put up the banner, but I have been working on my blog... sorta. Ever since making that banner I've been on the verge of obsessed when it comes to blogger. I've been working on Blog backgrounds and banners, it's so much fun! I've made... two. Haha, yeah not a lot. But it's hard work. I like the first one better then the second, but now I'm putting my entire focus on a new one. See, I've got a chart that tells your Celtic Signs. Like your tree, ogham, color, animal(s), and gemstone. I already said mine and right now I like my blog to much to change it, so I'm doing a different set of stuff. But it's a secret... hehe!

Okay so yes, that's all I've done this morning. Well, I've eaten. Barely. Well, actually I've watched two episodes of Justice League. But I was working on blogger stuff so I wasn't exactly watching it. Multi-tasking. One of my favorite things right there, and I'm fairly good at it. Unless I get overly into a project, then I can lose focus. But overall I handle it pretty well, that's why I like to read and brush my teeth at the same time. I can get more done in a small space of time.

So a friend of mine bought some songs that I've got on my blog. Now I'm like, I want to buy songs! But if I did I'd probably be listening to them nonstop... not necessarily a bad thing though... :/ I sorta can't right now anyways. Lost my job, remember? No, I doubt you would. That's ancient history. But wait, don't I like ancient history? Yes, I'm the one remembering aren't I? But seriously, someday I will buy many of their albums. Like, all of them maybe.

Yay, my favicon loaded! It took... what, a hole day? It felt like longer, but that's about how long it should take... I have no idea why. I mean should it load just like the rest of my stuff, quickly?

Gosh ever since starting this blog I've really gotten into messing with settings and stuff. I've never been this consistent with posting or decked out a blog this much before. But I've been finding so much! I've even had to do so minor HTML coding, that was so fun writing stuff that barely makes sense then it does stuff! I mean, I sorta understand it, enough to where I can edit a few things, but not write it from scratch. Unless I've memorized it. :P

I've ruined myself! Okay, lets start that again. The chrome book has really messed me up. See on that thing you tap two fingers on the touch pad to double click. So I'm trying to double click on my computer and I just sit there tapping the board with my fingers, like, a million times. Then I realize that's not how it works. Ug.

Why am I so obsessed with the Hero's Journey vocal? I just really love it for some reason. Oh, I looked up Braveheart and yes, William Wallace is he. So I was right. Gosh, something about that song... it's on the tip of my tongue. Anyways. I just love the sound of the chorus. Just, the pitch of the music and just... great, the writers worse enemy, indescribable.

I don't get it. How can the chrome spell check be so bad, and yet when you Google search the same thing it knows exactly what your talking about? Seriously, it would be amazing if they'd give the spell checker the powers of Google search. Then it would be amazing.

This couch... it's so comfy... I want to sleep... AHH! Good gracious why one earth?! My body is really messed up, it's tired and ready to sleep now, but not at night. I mean, really? At night I'm wide awake, even though I've been waking up earlier. It's a mystery to me. I just hope it'll get back to normal someday. And soon!

Ahhh, Celtic music is so relaxing. Actually Celtic anything is just awesome, I should learn more... hmm, speaking on learning guess what I did? No? You don't know? Alright then, I'll tell you. I made another post on my history blog! I know, I know. I don't post on it as much as I do here, but it takes time and research to post on that blog... ooo, I should make a custom background and header n'stuff for it. Back on topic, the post was the basic stuff about Kristina, The Girl King. Yup, I finished the royal diary so I did a post. It just included stuff like birth date, death date... hmmm, I should include the cause of death on those. But yeah, just info.

I think it's 'bout time I head back to the ol' coal mine. No, it's not an old coal mine, it's the funnest thing ever, creating blogger stuff! I want to make a million blogs, but ah. I've got thing to write on them. Zip, ziltch, nothing. Okay, that was sad.

Ever noticed how I add another paragraph or two after I've said I should go? Yup, almost every time. This is one of them. :P But seriously, paint calls. Yeah, that's the program I'm using. But hey, it's all I got and it works fairly well. I wouldn't know my way around Photoshop anyways...

Annnnnddd, here's the second one. But I just wanted to say, until this moment I did not mention, Doctor Who, Sherlock, or piano. Those are regular topics. I sorta mentioned writing... so yes. One last thing before I go, forget the superbowl tomorrow, the last episode of Sherlock Series 3 is on!

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