
Friday, February 21, 2014

Good Days and Bacon

I know, I know, I'm not finished yet. There's still a bit of work to do on my blog, it's taking quite a bit longer that I expected. But that's because I want it to look just right! I'm going for a Spring feel, partially because Spring comes after Winter, and also because the colors on my blog are just too bleak. White and grey, bor-ring. So yes, when I'm done here chances are I'll be working on my blog. Ah yes, another thing about my blog, I think I'm going to change the name, again. Before it represented what my mind is like, now I want it to represent more of my interests and everyday life. I'll be working on a longer term background, but for now I'll do Spring colors.

In case I didn't tell you, which I didn't, our oven is working again! Yay, I can make egg sandwiches for breakfast. Ah, I've missed you. So yes, after exploding, our oven was out of commission for almost a week. That's way longer than it should have been, but oh well. Hey, maybe now we can cook that bacon that was sizzling the evening it exploded. Mm, bacon.

Last night I was brilliant. I was "think writing", and it was truly brilliant. It was inspiration for True Hero, and it was by far my best writing. Except that I didn't write it, I was only think writing it. The sad part is, I know that I would never be able to re-create my brilliance on the page. So it's a sad time. But who cares? Not me, because I'll come up with some other brilliant something!

Today I exercised, and it's also the mark of my successful exercising for two weeks! Yay, this is exciting, because, sad to say, I don't think I've ever held a commitment to exercising that long. But I will now, I will continue!

I accidentally put the difficultly level on the elliptical to four, instead of the usual, three. So I was only able to beat my record by .1 miles, and to do that I had to run .2 miles in the space of about ten seconds. As you might of guessed, I was able to do that. Barely. Afterwards I did the usual, I decided not to try and beat my crunch record, so I only did fifty. The reason is I added a new exercise to the routine, planking. At the moment I don't feel likes explaining what that is, so look it up if you don't know. But I set a record of planking, and side planking on each side, of thirty seconds. Mind you, halfway through each one I paused the stop watch and rested. I'm not strong enough to hold it the entire time. Fifteen seconds it hard enough. Then of course I finished up with pull ups. My record is still zero. Z-e-r-o.  Zero. I almost did one though! I'm closer than before, but still that record remains unbeaten. Even so, it just gives me more resolve to beat it! Oh yeah, I also did glute lifts, but that's not much to speak of. It doesn't seem that amazing, even though I did ten of them. I suppose I'll ramp that up on Monday. After all that I cooled down, had a healthy lunch mad of leftover chicken, potatoes, and peas. Seeing it as a perfect time to do so, I drank the repelling, but ever so good for you, raw apple cider vinegar. Afterwards I treated myself to a frozen smoothie I'd made the day before. The smoothie was also healthy, so overall I think today has been a very good day.

That's it, I'm finally going to add words such as yay, to my Google dictionary. Although go figure, the word yay still has squiggly red lines under it. because I added yay with a capital. Ug. Oh look, there's another word that has red squigglies, ug. Squigglies is not a word. I'm not adding that to my Google dictionary though. I'm not sure why, I just don't want to. This paragraph has lots of red lines.

I finished reading The Hunger Games. This books I was able to read in two days, Divergent took three. So far I really like the story, hopefully I'll have time to do a book review soon. I also hope I can get Catching Fire from the library soon. I know much less about that book, but I know even less about Mockingjay. For now it has become a waiting game. Ah yes, we're hoping to watch the movie sometime within the next week or so.

And now, The Amazing Race. Tune in tomorrow to hear my thoughts on the subject! Alina Nadine here, signing out.

1 comment:

  1. Ooo, planking is hard!

    I'm really glad you liked The Hunger Games, at the Christmas Party when I asked you about it, you kinda made a face and said, "What?"

    All this talk of food made me really hungry.
