
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

There Came a Time

I just can't. Ug, I am trying to compose. You might say I am failing epicly at it. You know that sweet spot? I don't have it. Can't find it. Ah, it's pretty tough, composition. I think I'll take a break. This gives me a huge new respect for Adrian and everyone else. Speaking of which he just reached 200,000 followers! It's that so cool! His music making supports himself fully, so music making is his job. Plus he said he's even able to pay his bills and give money to charity. That gives me an entire new respect for him.

My hands are so slow when I write by hand, it's painful to write by hand for me. Like my hand and brain start to hurt. Because my mind is running and leaping and soaring and my hand cannot for the life of it keep up. So my brain has to slow down, which is impossible, then it forgets and the hand has nothing to do. Bam! Full stop on both ends. Then you get me on a computer. Then of yes my hands can keep up. Finally they can sly together, because when I'm on a computer my hands are usually unable to stay off the keyboard. They must write!

So someone of YouTube sent me a message. Then noticed that I'm a fellow follower of Adrian and they asked if I would check out their music. He included a link to one of his songs, and it was really good! It's on my blog now and he's included in the acknowledgment on the bottom. It's called Talismanic Tales if you want to check it out. It's song number forty. Holy Tardis of Gallifrey, I have forty songs on my blog?! Well that came out of nowhere. Forty? Wow.

I'm so excited, I finished editing the prologue for True Hero! I really like it, although a thought for a different prologue has crossed my mind. I like it but it doesn't fit. Like at all. But I like it, in my mind it seems so sweet somehow. Hmmm. I think I'll write it. :)

     "Are you sure you don't mind?" Lisa asked, glancing at her watch then into the smiling face on Beatrice. Her older sister nodded.
     "Of course I don't mind. I'll spoil the little angles while your gone. Have fun!" Beatrice said. The sisters said they're goodbye and she softly closed the door. Turning she saw the children staring up at her. "Well, now that your hear what would you like to do?"
     The youngest girl sat on the hard wood floor and crossed her arms, "There's nothing do to. We might as well wait until mom and dad get back." her voice was not angry, but sad.
     The children joined her on the floor, looking around the half empty house with empty gazes. Beatrice looked over the children heads, frowning. She spotted a book on the shelf across the room and her lips turned in a smile. As she crossed the room she passed a wrinkled old woman, sitting silently in a rocking chair. She looked up when Beatific passed, pulling a book from the shelf. The youngest girl, Annie, looked up.
     "What's that?" Annie asked.
     "An old story. Old as time itself." Beatrice said. The old woman in the rocking chair short her an angry look, but her face softened into a small smile as she settled deeper into her chair. The children scooted around the easy chair Beatrice had sat herself in. She blew the dust from the cover, brushing her hand along the cover.
     "What's it about?" Greg asked.
     "Oh, nothing. Just a young hero slaying beasts. Nothing that would interest you." Beatrice said with a fistful sigh.
     "Beasts, heros? What's not to like! Will you read it?" Annie asked. The children murmured their plea and Beatrice smiled. The cover creaked as she flipped to the first page.

This is where I put much of the story I've already written. Things happen to Jade, la, de, da. Back to the house.

     "Don't stop reading now!" Jake said, putting his hand up to the book to keep Beatrice from closing it's pages. His aunt smiled.
     "You like the story do you? It's one of my personal favorites as well. It's all true you know, everything in this book."
     "So a long time ago there really was a girl with super powers?" Annie said, jumping up, "Did you know her?"
     Beatrice smiled, looking down into the pages. Greg pulled his sister down with a laugh. The children pleaded for the story to continue. Smiling Beatrice looked down upon the pages once again.

Again this is where that story continues. La, de, da. Ho, hum. Okay, back to the house again.

     The children sat in complete silence as Beatrice closed the pages of the book. She saw the awe in their faces as she replaced the book on the shelf. Greg was the first to speak.
     "That was incredible. But seriously, it's all true? Everything in the book actually happened centuries ago?" Greg said.
     The old woman in the rocking chair cupped her hands, holding them out to the children. Fairly they approached the silent old lady. Her lips cracked with a smile as she opened her hands. They were empty as she cupped them again. The children watched on in confusion as she rocked slightly, her lips moving in silent words. Again she held out her hands. Laying on her palm was a perfect glass figure an old wolf.

So yeah, in case you don't get it the old lady is Jade. Now this doesn't fit in the story, but I like it for some reason. Maybe I'll do something like it in a different book, who knows. Not True Hero though. Now you aren't going to get why she made a wolf because I haven't gotten to that part yet. Obviously. But there is a reason. ;)

 That was fun. Hm, I should do it again, on the spot blips. Actually no. On second thought, no. If I do that I'll have more then True Hero and The Shadow and all the others to work on. Speaking of True Hero I think I'll go and work on it a bit. I'll edit chapter one. Ooo, I'm so excited! It's going so well! Although in the prologue... well. Maybe I was thrusting to much. Hm. Well see. I'll tone it down a bit in chapter one. But of course the train is where is all began. Erm, sorta. Where things escalated. That's it.

Hahahahahaha. I have no idea why but my Gmail favicon on my favorites bar has changed. Again. Before it changed, then when back and now it's changed again. I wonder what's up with that.

Oh yes, thank you Marc Jungermann. Now I know what kind of cable I'd need to use on my keyboard to hook it to my computer to use it with Magix. I know Brunuh uses his piano for composition so maybe it'll help me out. I really hope so. Of course I need to find out if our computer is compatible with Magix, but I think it will be.

Well, that wraps up this post. I've been writing and doing other stuff. :P Oh yes! I've been thinking about signing my blog posts with my name written in Ogham. What do you think?


  1. I LOVE IT!!!! Oh my gosh, I love the prologue!

    And I think it would be pretty cool if you signed your name in Ogham.

  2. Really? I might use it after all. I'll give it a test run and see what happens. :)

    Yeah, I might just do that. Putting my name or something in Ogham would be neat. :)
