
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Girl on Fire

Shopping. That's what I did today. Trader Joe's, Costco and... well, that's it. Wait! I think we went somewhere else... where was it, ah yes! The post office and the library. I got Catching Fire, so well see how quickly I'm able to read this book. It was on a day, similar to this, that I got Divergent and read almost half the book. I don't think I'll be reading that much of Catching Fire today. On second thought, I might. It's smaller than Divergent. Much smaller.

So I've been really planning True Hero in my head. I've got plans, large plans, to extremely change it. When I was on Pinterest recently I saw a pin, and it just dawned on me. I know what needed to happen, with such clarity. Yet I'm still having a tad bit of writers block. It's hard getting out of the prison, there's, how to to day it? Booby traps. That's the best word for it. You think you have it, everything you need, the door swings open, but there's a catch. In other words there's another locked door. Well it's a prison, what do you expect? One locked door between prisoner and freedom? I don't think so. Even so, I'm on the brink of a writer river! Meaning I might be doing some crazy writing soon. Well see.

Yesterday I had a pile of things on my bed, papers, notebook, arrows, pen, my bow. Then Kokopelli, my cat, decided it would be an incredible spot to lay on. Yes, he laid right on top of everything, then started doing one of his favorite hobbies. Shredding paper. Sometimes he'll just lay on paper and tear it to shreds. Luckily I stopped him, crazy cat. Think's he owns the world. Actually there's this pin that perfectly describes cat's behavior...

Okay so I took a little break and started reading Catching Fire while getting food. It's pretty good so far, and I'm only on the third chapter. Katniss is the cause of uprisings. Yeah, I already knew that. Although I know way less about this book, compared to The Hunger Games. Then when it comes to Mockingjay, I know nothing. Well, next to nothing. It's not officially set, but we might watch The Hunger Games tonight. It depends, because this is Sereina's first say off, her next one is on Saturday. So maybe today, maybe Saturday. Well see. Right now it's just a possibility. I want to continue reading now. But I should work on True Hero. Maybe I'll read while I eat, and then work on True Hero. Well see how that goes...

So I changed the favicon for my blog days ago, and it's still the same! What on earth is up with that? The favicon for the Archives has changed, so it's kind of weird. Oh yes, did I mention that I reviewed The Hunger Games and... some other book that I, oh yes. I remember now. Riding Freedom. I think I did mention it. I need to review the Waggit trilogy. I love those books! I just saw them and I actually read the last book first, now knowing it was a trilogy. But it's about a dog named Waggit. That's all I'll say, you need to read the books. But they're really good!

I'm going to read Catching Fire. Until tomorrow. Or the next time I post. Which will probably be tomorrow.

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