
Friday, January 24, 2014

And Then...

So my NaNo re-write has been going slowly, but so far it is so much fun! I'm coming to absolutely love the everyday lives people had during WWII. That's when the book is now set, and it's staying that way! The fun this is, since they're living on a fictional island, near Hawaii, then I don't have to get everything down to the dot. I can be a little lenient. It starts with Peggy's mother (Peggy is the MC) who is reading about the attack on Pearl Harbor. They're near Pearl Harbor, cause they're near Hawaii. But not really close. So yeah, basically it's the life of Peggy Scott during WWII. It's fun finding peoples stories and using snippets for the story. Like, not enough to where it's like, hey you stole that! But you just... yeah. It's fun.

I'm still really excited for Armikrog. When it comes out, June 27 I think, I'll have to see about getting it. Although I don't have a job anymore... so I don't really have money anymore... hmm. I'll have to see about that. :)

I am still stuck on learning Across the Stars. Not that I've gotten the tutorial out and practiced, but I know they keys. Just not the order exactly... it's complicated. :/ So yeah, that's about all the news I've for piano.

I just finished reading, for the second... third... ack, I finished reading Eleanor of Aquitain, again. I've read it quite a few times before. Actually that's how I am with most books. Anyway, on to Isabel of Castilla! This royal diary follows the girl who was queen when Christopher Columbus sailed to the new world. That's neat. Actually I'm reading it because it's the only Royal Diary from the library that's due... :/ I'm also reading Daughter of Venice, recommended by a friend. So far it's low key and written like someone is sitting across from me and telling me a story. I really like it so far, it's not action but it's still so good!

Today I'm determined to make at least one post on my history blog. I need to finished my post about Anastasia Nikolaenva's childhood... I think I'm just looking for picture to accompany the post. Then I think I'll do more beginning charts for... hmmm, maybe I'll do... Kristina, the queen/king of Sweden. Still need to figure out what's up with that... or Victoria. What's her major role in history?

Then again I really, really, really need to write my NaNo novel. I didn't write 1667 words yesterday, but I have time so today I'll just make sure I reach 1667 and go from there. But I'd better not do that every day... eh. I'll make it today, I've only got... about... 1000 words. So six hundred and sixty seven to go!


  1. I actually just finished Isabel of Castilla. I'm embarrassed that I didn't make the connection of Queen Isabel and King Ferdinand 'till the very end.

  2. Same here! The first time I read it I didn't know until I saw a picture in the back of Christopher Columbus bidding her farewell. :/ Then again I've never known very much about her so... yeah. :)
