
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Did it Again

That's right folks, I've gone and done it again. Done what, you might ask? Changed the plot for Rocha (my NaNo novel). I did it again, first it changed to complete fantasy about a war, then a diary about a girl who gets stranded on an island, and now finally it's much more like the original idea. Two girls, and now a guy, get stranded on an island after getting caught in a tsunami. But during the storm they are swept up into a portal into another dimension and now are stuck on an island, in another dimension. During a war, and they help fight it. So yeah, closer to the first idea, but still very different.

So I still haven't done a vlog yet. There are a few things I need, twenty facts about myself that most people don't know, a quite evening, and lastly, a camera. We have all those things, but I'd need help editing and working the new camera. Plus the quiet evening can be hard because I'd prefer pin drop silence.

Back on the topic of Rocha. Tomorrow Tiana and I are going to do like what we did in November. Wake up, make hot chocolate, write until we meet that days quote, then do other stuff. I need to get serious about editing/re-writing the book because I'm on a deadline if I want two free paperback copies. That's right, that's what we got from writing fifty thousand words in a month. But now I have to edit because the first draft is... it's a first draft for pete's sake, need I say more?

I like writing large paragraphs, especially in my stories. It makes me feel like I'm writing a big important book, so I strive to make then longer. My editing of True Hero is going good, I'm going over it a second time now that I've edited it. You know, to make sure everything goes smoothly. Then I'll show it to my family, get some feedback as I continue to edit. Soon I'll move on to chapter one! The entire beginning it sorta, serious. But that does change when Katie comes along. I mean the sour mood, feeling of revenge, deep anger, and her sorrow, that is what the story is all about. Without those things I'd be writing about a robot. Seriously, that's what all my previous characters are like. But... Nora is an exception. She's different, her entire back story is different. Although she needs a slight bit more emotion. I like her though, I like her a lot.

One day I'm going to have a bunch of published books, and I'm going to have a character from one book be in another. Then the readers will be like, oh my gosh it's Nora from the other series, in this books about aliens! Not that I'd write about aliens. It's just not my style. Of course, I need to publish a book first. Then a few more. :P

It's pretty late, I think dinner is soon. Ooo, dinner, I'm trying to think... what is for dinner? Mamma pulled out rolls (gluten free ones, yay!) so maybe... beef stew? Nah, wasn't in the crock pot. Hmmm... I honestly can't remember, or maybe I just don't know. In any case I hope dinner is soon, cause I'm hungry. :) Food is good. Actually I've been trying to get myself to like vegetables. Mostly salads are my weak point, most everything else is okay. Except brussel sprouts. They are my enemy and I would take salad over them any day. Pretty much any vegetable is better then zucchini or brussel sprouts. But yeah, as I said, overall I'm okay with most vegtables. I love carrots, and peas. broccoli, eh, I'm warming up to it. It's great with ranch dressing though.

...why on earth am I talking about vegtables?

So I was playing around with the trumpet on Magix, that's fun. But I haven't figured out how to record it into a loop. But I found the trumpet and drums. Although the drums aren't the type I'd like, they're for jazz music and rock. Although rock drums can work sometimes. But I want a more tribal feel to them. I haven't found bagpipes. Actually I don't think it has any. Boo hoo. But this program has extensions so there might be a bagpipe one.

I cannot wait till Sunday. The next episode of Sherlock airs then! I'm so excited because the episode is The Sign of the Four... or for some reason I think theirs was The Sign of the Three. Anyways, I've read the Sherlock book about that case. It's always exciting reading the book first. Like A Study in Scarlett, or as the BBC Sherlock called it, A Study in Pink. I can't wait to get to The Hound of the Baskervilles!

So far I am still at a stand still with learning Across the Stars on piano. It's just, complicated and slightly above my piano playing level. But I'll figure it out, I'm determined to. In the mean time I'm considering learning a new song or the more complicated version of He's a Pirate. I already know the easy version. :)


  1. Who doesn't like brussel sprouts? They are so good!! Especially with butter and garlic...mmm, I am now hungry...

  2. If I ever eat them again I'll try then in butter, and maybe garlic. ;)

    It's not often that I hear of someone liking brussel sprouts... unless their an adult.
