
Sunday, January 19, 2014

He's Coming...

SHERLOCK. AIRS. TONIGHT. Yes, it's finally come and I am so excited I feel like I want to explode. Really I haven't been waiting all that long, I only entered this fandom... oh, less then a year ago? Yet I feel like I've been it in for centuries.

In other news, Perter Capaldi. Yes, the next Doctor. It would seem, although we just met Eleven, that everyone is excited for Twelve, in other words, Peter Capaldi. Not that I want Eleven to go, he's pretty awesome. Kooky, just like all the pins say. That's a good thing, kooky. But I miss good old Brilliant Ten. ;)

Back to Sherlock, oh my gosh he's coming back! Okay, the Sherlock mini episode popped into my head. Mainly the part where Lestrade is just so done with Anderson that his head kerplunks onto the table. I don't know why but I just find that part so funny.

Today is the playoffs. Whoo hoo. Really I'm not that big of a sports fan, but I do want Seattle to go to the Superbowl. They haven't been since 2006. I know this only because my dad kept having me Google all these things about the Superbowl (who even came up with that name, what does it mean?).

Sherlock is coming, he is coming back! The first episode airs tonight! Ooo, then I'll read John's post about it on his blog. So, to all those Sherlockians or Holmies out there, there is a site you can visit. John's blog, just like in the show. Also there's The Science of Deduction and a blog for Molly Hooper. Get this, remember Connie Prince from episode three of season one? She has a blog. It's so funny, it really feels like Sherlock is real. So in the spirit of it all #Sherlocklives

I finished the initial edit of the prologue for True Hero. It is so much better now, although it still needs a little buffering before I move on to chapter one. For once I don't relate with the "chart of writing". It's a bunch of pictures of Robert Downey Jr. for the different fazes of writing. The editing one is the annoyed face he makes in the Avengers. It's all over Pinterest so I'm sure you've seen it, right?

Tonight is the night, Sherlock is on tonight!

Sorry about all the every other paragraph Sherlock stuff, but in all seriousness. Sherlock is awesome, I'm really pumped up for this, I'm staying up till midnight to watch it! Yes, that's when it ends. I can see the Brits now, rubbing their hands together in glee, "we'll keep all the American's up late to watch the long awaited Sherlock episodes!" (it's been four years between seasons) But ah, then again that's so un-British. Probably they're more like, "ah, to bad the American's have to stay up late to watch, or wait till the next day. Poor chaps. Would you like another cup of tea?"

Sherlockian or Holmie? That is the question. Holmie just isn't right when speaking, so I'll use that for the internet and Sherlockian for talking. Now, off to wait for Sherlock (yes, I will to more then just sit around and wait. I'll... I don't know, write a novel and get it published. It should be time to watch by then ;) )

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