
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I'm Getting Better!

Yay, I feel so much better today! I think I'm on the mend, which would be amazing because that never happens this soon. Although I slept in this morning. By sleep in I mean it was ridiculous how late I woke up, but my body apparently needed it.

I just went like happy on Pinterest. See, I was to lazy to pin them on the spot so I likes them. I must have a huge amount to go through and pin. But they're all such cool pins! Before I would have lazily passed them up, but Tiana told me how she does that and so now I do. Maybe that isn't the best idea. Oh well. :)

My fingers feel really light on the keys. I still haven't decided if I like that feeling or not. It's so weird, it's just... explainable. 

Today I will work on my NaNo revision because I've had a new vision for it! It's more like the original plot... barely. But there's a better resemblance now, so that makes me feel better. I'm writing it like a diary and I have the same excited feeling to write in that as I do for this blog. It's an interesting experience and I rather like it so far.

My head feels like a balloon. I mean that in a good way, good because I don't have sharp pains anymore. Mostly I just hope my sickness doesn't come back. It's been known to do that on me. Sickness and I, we don't get along. At all.

I have 1,758 followers on Pinterest. Yeah! It took forever to get to one hundred, then a thousand, but now it seems to be skyrocketing. It makes me feel so accomplished!

Last night I couldn't sleep. Not because I had a headache, it had stopped. But I just couldn't sleep, so I grabbed my phone and downloaded HQ. Okay, really I downloaded Google Drive. But it's my story writing head quarters. Anyway, I wrote and wrote for a while. I was feeling inspired. So I now have more work done of my NaNo revisions, yay!

Yesterday I didn't do much, since I wasn't feeling well most the day. But I did get an insane about of reading done. The day before I had started the royal diary book about Mary Queen of Scots, and I finished it yesterday. I must have read over half the books that day, that's how sick I was. At least that's another finished. I've got so many books to pick up at the library, it's nuts.

Well, I think I'll go do some writing. Then maybe latch hook or drawing. Then again I could use the music maker.

Ah, speaking of the music maker, I have been experimenting with the midi editor and synthesizer. It's somewhat confusing and after working on a particular loop is when my head ache came on... coincidence? Eh, who knows. Back on subject, it's been so much fun trying to compose. I sorta have something working for me but ah... not so much at the same time. Major learning curve here so it's still gonna be a while. :)

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