
Thursday, January 9, 2014

I Woke Up Early for Once!

I woke up at 8:30 this morning. That's pretty good considering I've been sleeping in quite a bit as of late. Hopefully I'll be able to drag myself out of bed around that time every morning.

Before I got really sick on our cruise I was up at seven sharp every morning. It felt so good, I never felt better. But now when I wake up I feel like I have not gotten sleep in days.

For Christmas Sereina made candy sleighs. They looked so cool, I only just stated to take apart and eat mine a few days ago. It was too cool to eat right away. Now I'm eating the base, in other words a Trader Joes's chocolate bar. It's so, so very good, chocolate is the best. Although fruit is better. I would take a smoothie or just plain fruit over candy and cake any day.

Okay, these Russians really have me stumped. See, in some parts of history their ruler was an Emperor or Empress, but in other parts it's a Tsar or Tsarina. No, it's not that they changed the name of the monarchy, they reference them as both. Like Empress Elizabeth. Then Emperor Peter III and Catherine the Great. I just don't get it, darn Russians. I'll have to look into it more, but I will find out.

Last night Tiana, Daniel, and I watched Thor. The first one of course. It was good, of course. I like how Jane kept hitting Thor with her car, that was just sorta funny. But overall I really like that movie, possibly more then before. Especially the part with Stan Lee.

Stan Lee. That's an interesting name, isn't it? I think his parents named him that way on purpose and can I just say, that was brilliant.

Ah, brilliant. Makes me think of Ten every time.

Agent's of S.H.E.I.L.D came back Tuesday, but we just watched it last night. Can I just say, tell me more! They're doing a much better job at keeping their word. Like before they took the month break they said they were going to reveal about Coulson's death. Now if it had been Revolution we would never really find out. But we did, sorta. Enough to keep the mystery alive but enough to feel content.

Also, in the preview they mentioned something about Sky's parents. I think they're going to reveal what happened. It just want Tuesday to be here. Like right now. This second. So I can watch it.

Good gracious this chocolate is good, I'd better be careful. It's just sitting there staring me down. Maybe it shouldn't be on my desk. A desk I spend a bit of time at because of everything I do on the computer.

So since I got up early today and got a good start on my day I'd better not wast it by writing this post all morning. I've got school to do, like math. I actually like math. When I know enough to where I can do it but it still presents some what of a challenge.

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